Travie McCoy feat. Sia - Golden

Текст песни:

[Pre-Hook Sia]
You got that look in your eyes, eyes
I can tell you had bad dreams last night
Let me take you in my arms you can cry, cry
Let me love you 'til you feel alright
Cause I am yours you are mine, you are mine, mine
Not going anywhere, I am standing by your side
I will love you 'til the end of time, time
I will love you 'til the day we die

[Hook Sia]
Don't fear, baby, cause you and me are golden
When you can't breathe it's you that I'll be holdin'
Yes, I'm all in, through thick and thin
This is good loving you and me are golden

[Verse 1 Travie McCoy]
I gotta give it to her, she got a mean golden eye game
Honestly its not a lot of O's to fit the rhyme scheme
But fuck it, for the sake of being overly cheesy
I think it's cute we both like our eggs over easy
And lately I've been losing at love
But when you lookin' in the Lower East Side
You're bound to find nothing but bad luck
Days can drift by, but I don't give a damn if you with me
Even if the earth exploded, I probably wouldn't notice
Never has another narrowed down the field to nada
Spend our days shopping at Target, cause shes not concerned with Prada
We make hand-me-downs look designer
Golden's in the eye of the beholder
Love ya, girl

[Hook Sia]
Don't fear, baby, cause you and me are golden
When you can't breathe it's you that I'll be holdin'
Yes, I'm all in, through thick and thin
This is good loving you and me are golden
You and me are golden
You and me are golden
You and me are golden
You and me are golden

[Verse 2 Travie McCoy]
And honestly she ain't even gotta say much
I'll wait a whole day for that Midas touch
Minus the fact she's the finest eyelids could open to
My highness, I'd travel the world and back in hopes to glow with you
Shes the Patti Mayonnaise to my Doug Funnie
Every kiss is 24 carats, no Bugs Bunny
I used to live wild (wild) she made me slow it down (down)
Who knows? Maybe one day, we'll have a golden child
Haha, and thats word to Eddie Murphy
I wouldn't trade places if you threatened to hurt me
Two peas in a pod that could never be open
Im cool all by myself, but together we golden, yeah

[Pre-Hook Sia]
You got that look in your eyes, eyes
I can tell you had bad dreams last night
Let me take you in my arms you can cry, cry
Let me love you 'til you feel alright
Cause I am yours you are mine, you are mine, mine
Not going anywhere, I am standing by your side
I will love you 'til the end of time, time
I will love you 'til the day we die

[Hook Sia]
Don't fear, baby, cause you and me are golden
When you can't breathe it's you that I'll be holdin'
Yes, I'm all in, through thick and thin
This is good loving you and me are golden

Travie McCoy feat. Sia - Golden

Слова песни прочитаны: 610

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