Triarii - Emperor Of The Sun

Текст песни:

I am the King, I am the leader of atom and war
I am the legion, I am the bringer of light
I am the torch, I am the love, I am your sin
Come to me, kneel down for me, one more time

I am the Emperor of the Sun, I am the first and the last
I am the New World Order to come, I am the first and the last
My Kingdom's rising, your world is dying
Within a blink of an eye
I am the Emperor of the Sun, I am the only one

I am the King, I am the leader of Heaven and Earth
I am the warfare, I am the bringer of hate
I am the knife, I am the sword, I am your sin
Come to me, kneel down for me, one more time

I am the Emperor of the Sun, I am the first and the last
I am the New World Order to come, I am the first and the last
My Kingdom's rising, your world is dying
Within a blink of an eye
I am the Emperor of the Sun, I am the only one

I am the King, I am the leader of Heaven and Hell
I am the saviour, I am the bringer of death
I am divine, I am the Fire, I am your God
Come to me, kneel down for me, one more time

I am the Emperor of the Sun, I am the first and the last
I am the New World Order to come, I am the first and the last
My Kingdom's rising, your world is dying
Within a blink of an eye
I am the Emperor of the Sun, I am the only one

I am the Emperor of the Sun
I am the Emperor of the Sun
I am the Emperor of the Sun
I am the only one

Triarii - Emperor Of The Sun

Слова песни прочитаны: 748

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