Vanilla Ice - Ice Ice Baby [ white hip hop oldies ]

Текст песни:

Let's kick it

Pressure, pushing down on me
Pressing down on you, no man ask for
Under pressure, that burns a building down
Splits a family in two
Puts people on streets

All right stop
Collaborate and listen
Jedward's back with a brand new invention
Something grabs a hold of me tightly
Flow like a harpoon daily and nightly
Will it ever stop?
Yo - I don't know
Turn off the lights and I'll glow
To the extreme I rock a mic like a vandal
Light up a stage and wax a chump like a candle

Pressure, pushing down on me
Pressing down on you, no man ask for

Dance - Bum rush the speaker that booms
I'm killin' your brain like a poisonous mushroom
Deadly - when I play a dope melody
Anything less than the best is a felony
Love it or leave it
You better gain way
You better hit bull's eye
The kid dont play
If there was a problem
Yo I'll solve it
Check out the hook while my DJ revolves it

Pressure, pushing down on me
Pressing down on you, no man ask for
Under pressure, that burns a building down
Splits a family in two
Puts people on streets


It's the terror of knowing
What this world is about,
Watching some good friends
Screaming 'Let me out'
Pray tomorrow takes me higher
Pressure on people, people on streets

Ice Ice Baby [x2]

Now that the party is jumpin'
With the bass kicked in, and the Vegas all pumpin'
Quick to the point, to the point no fakin'
Cooking MC's like a pound of bacon
Burning them if you ain't quick and nimble
I go crazy when I hear a cymbal
And a hi-hat with a supped up tempo
I'm on a roll - it's time to go solo

Pressure [x11]

Rollin' - in my 5.0
With my ragtop down so my hair can blow
The girlies on standby
Waiting just to say "hi"
Did you stop?
No - I just drove by
Kept on - pursuing to the next stop
I busted a left and I'm heading to the next block
That block was dead
Yo - so I continued to A1A Beachfront Avenue.

Pressure, pushing down on me
Pressing down on you, no man ask for
Under pressure, that burns a building down
Splits a family in two
Puts people on streets


It's the terror of knowing
What this world is about,
Watching some good friends
Screaming 'Let me out'
Pray tomorrow takes me higher
Pressure on people, people on streets

Ice Ice Baby [x4]

Vanilla Ice - Ice Ice Baby [ white hip hop oldies ]

Слова песни прочитаны: 477

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