WWE Wrestlemania 31 - Kid Ink - Money and the Power

Текст песни:

Money and the power
Once you get a 'lil they just want to take you down (cause)
I got the money and the power
Once you get a 'lil they just want to take you down (cause)
Weve been going hard for too long
Cant get enough, what is you on?
Really aint nothing, I could drop that
Wake up in the morning, make it all back

[Verse 1 Kid Ink]Its nothing, nothing to get it poppin
Wanna roll. Roll up, up, and away
Here we go now
Now Martin had a dream, Ive been dreamin bout gold
Tell em I just wanna shine, and I gotta let it show
Show up on the scene, walk right through the door
Got a nigga on repeat, its my double up flow
Vibrate the whole building, I aint ringing through your phone
Waiting til the smoke clear, can you see me through the fog?
Fall back, it could go all bad
We be goin hard with your ex, oh Tic-tac
Tacky motherfuckers must not be hip yet
Life is a bitch, but I bet I get that bitch wet

[Hook Kid Ink]We, weve been going hard for too long
Cant get enough, what is you on? (Yeah)
Really aint nothing, I can drop that
Wake up in the morning, make it all back

We, weve been going hard for too long
We, weve been going hard for too long
Ma-money and the power
Once you get a little, they just wanna take you down (cause)

[Verse 2 Kid Ink]But Im ready, ready, so you can tell em to bring it on
On a whole other level of high, no phone
Foes all mad cause the dough dont fold
Forget about your plans, we aint leavin til it close
Close to the top, I can barely see the ground
With the whole team here, everybody get around
Look like a parade when were coming through your town
One hand to the sky, two feet to the ground
Wait, cant stop til the suns up
Party everywhere ever since I got my funds up
Yup, pray to God it never run out
Off that loud, burnin rubber, need to slow it down

[Hook Kid Ink]
[Bridge Kid Ink]Mon-money and the power
Once you get a little, they just wanna take you down, (cause(x2))
That, thats how it is
When you fuckin with me, you should know how it goes
That, thats how it is
Ive got a bottle in my hand and a pocket full of dough

[Outro Kid Ink]

WWE Wrestlemania 31 - Kid Ink - Money and the Power

Слова песни прочитаны: 634

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