Иоганн Себастьян Бах - Ария Воздух, Оркестровая сюита N3 ре-мажор BWV 1068

Текст песни:

I guess
That this is where we've come to
If you don't want to,
Then you don't have to believe me
But I won't be there when you go down
Just so you know now
You're on your own now, believe me

Yo, yeah I don't want to be the one to blame
You like fun and games
Keep playing 'em
I'm just sayin'
Think back then
We was like one and the same
On the right track
But I was on the wrong train
Just like that
Now you've got a face to pain
And the devil's got a fresh new place to play
In your brain like a maze you can never escape
The rain, every damn day's the same shade of grey

I used have a little bit of a plan,
Used to have a concept of where I stand
That concept slipped right out of my hand
And now, I don't really even know who I am.
Yo, what do I have to say, maybe
I should do what I have to do to break free and
Whatever happens to you, we'll see
But it's not gonna happen with me

I guess
That this is where we've come to (yeah)
If you don't want to,
Then you don't have to believe me
But I won't be there when you go down (yeah)
Just so you know now
You're on your own now, believe me

Back then, I thought you were just like me
Somebody who could see all the pain I see
But you proved to me unintentionally
That you would self-destruct eventually
Now I'm thinking like the mistake I made doesn't hurt
But it's not gonna work
Cause it's really much worse than I thought
I wished you were something you were not
And now this guilt is really all that I got

Oh, you turned your back
And walked away in shame
All you got is a memory of pain
Nothing makes sense, you just stare at the ground
And hear my voice in your head when no one else is around
So, what do I have to say, maybe
I should do what I have to do to break free and
Whatever happens to you, we'll see
But it's not gonna happen with me

I guess
That this is where we've come to (yeah)
If you don't want to,
Then you don't have to believe me
But I won't be there when you go down (yeah)
Just so you know now
You're on your own now, believe me


Yo, I guess
That this is where we've come to (yeah)
If you don't want to,
Then you don't have to believe me
But I won't be there when you go down (yeah)
Just so you know now
You're on your own now, believe me

I'll do what I have to do
You're on your own now, believe me

Whatever happens to you
You're on your own now, believe me

What do I have to say
You're on your own now, believe me

It's not gonna happen with me
You're on your own now, believe me

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