Май Литл Пони - Пони рок гимн_РЕМИКС

Текст песни:

Pony Rock Yeah Woo Let's go

Scratch and Neon's in the club tonight.
Oh yeah, we're gonna have a good time.
So grab some pony don't be shy.
It's our job to make you feel alright. (Clap your hooves)

Let's raise the roof, tonight's the night.
We're gonna' party till the morning light.
The house is hot, the beat is tight.
We just wanna' see you ...shake it

The name's Neon Lights and I wanna' see you shake it.
I'm the host of this party and I'm glad you could make it.
I've got the music that booms, show me what you've got.
Now do your thing girls and flaunt that plot.

On the dance floor is where we're living.
You keep moving to the beat and the beat I'll keep delivering.
Now that's a promise, we're gonna' commit.
Hey, Vinyl Scratch Spin that.

Ayo what's up? I'm the other half of this duo.
Got my bass cannon set to max it's gonna' blow.
It's Pony Rock (It's Pony Rock)
Yeah, so get them tails a-bouncing and get them
hooves up in the air 'cause we are announcing it is-

Scratch and Neon's in the club tonight.
Oh yeah, we're gonna have a good time.
So grab some pony don't be shy.
It's our job to make you feel alright.

Let's raise the roof, tonight's the night.
We're gonna' party till the morning light.
The house is hot, the beat is tight.
We just wanna' see you... shake it

Everyday I'm partying
Put the lights on me. It's time for the only true party pony.
It's Pinkie Pie here and I know you all missed me.
But hey, wait There's room for three.

Let's get some balloons (The pretty ones)
Let's turn up the bass (Getting louder now)
Gummy's here with me (He's rocking out)
Now it's a party (With thanks to me)

Get up. Get down. Put your hooves up to the sound.
Jump up. Stomp down. Every pony hit the ground. (x2)
Every pony hit the ground. (x2)
Get up. Get down. (x2)
Put your hooves up to the sound. (x2)
Put your hooves up. (x4)

Every pony's in the club tonight.
We're gonna' keep on having a good time.
We got some help from Pinkie Pie.
With Vinyl Scratch and Neon-on-on Lights.

Woah (x4)

Everyday we're partying

Май Литл Пони - Пони рок гимн_РЕМИКС

Слова песни прочитаны: 624

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