Неизвестен - Без названия AoKise

Текст песни:

Beyond the barbed wires, towards an even higher goal, the two of us are competing.
Words are unnecessary. As rivals we only need to gaze at the side of each other's face.

While exchanging encouragement, even if the distance between us is within the reach of hand,
we would never join hands. We have already given each other mutual recognition.

"No one else will ever be able to take your place in my heart."

Together we run, learn, envy, chase after each other's back, and when we are shoulder to shoulder, we say with a smile "This isn't so hard after all."

Saying "There will be no end." with a gasp, we looked on each other as an enemy at first.
How mysterious it is, that we then somehow became frank and upfront with each other.

"I remember"
"those days we walked through together."

While stumbling from time to time, I kept on dashing forward until I could almost reach the night sky, even if you might disappear from my side...

"What are you looking up at the sky with such sad-looking eyes?"

Even though you're running ahead, don't for a second doubt my capabilities.
But I can't seem to catch up no matter how much I run.

"I was joking when I said I won. Smile now, and cry no more. You tried your hardest to reach your goal, didn't you?"
"I won't forget"
"...It's okay to forget"
"your dashing figure." / "my existence"

"Don't look back. You're still only midway on your journey."
I'll look forward. It's painful, but if it's what you want me to do...

I wanted you to stay with me longer, and I wanted us to be together forever.
As I tirelessly ran forward, I began to believe that we really were together.
Just why did I keep screaming and asking why why why erratically?
The distance between us is already within my hand's reach.

Together we run, learn, envy, chase after each other's back,
and when we are shoulder to shoulder, we say with a smile "This isn't so hard after all."
Even though you're running ahead, don't for a second doubt my capabilities.
I can't seem to catch up no matter how much I run.
I won't forget--I really won't, about the best rival I had.

Неизвестен - Без названия (AoKise)

Слова песни прочитаны: 656

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