Тимати - Welcome to St. Tropez Ft.DJ Antoine

Текст песни:

Welcome to Saint-Tropez

[Verse 1 Timati]
Get fresh, gotta stay fly,
Get the jet, I gotta stay high.
High up like a la la la,
Ain't nothin' here that my money can't buy.
Dolce, Gucci and Louis V.
Yacht so big I could live out in the sea,
You, for real? You can't see me,
In these Euro frames the whole world change.
Mad bitches, so much brought,
Spendin' like when I wanna fuck them all,
Get mad brain in my very fast car,
Ferrari v12 Maranello on my arm.
Ladies can't resist the charm,
Haters, kiss the ring on the thumb,
And we do this all day, welcome to Saint-Tropez
(Oh yeah)

[Chorus Kalenna]
Whoa, party now
Too much money in the bank account,
Hands in the air make you scream and shout,
When we're in Saint-Tropez. [x2]

Welcome to Saint-Tropez
(Oh yeah)

[Verse 2 Timati]
We make money, money we spendin',
Get mad honey, swimming and women,
Imported linen, Egyptian cotton.
They party just started, the party ain't stoppin',
Keep shit poppin', poppin' these bottles,
Haters keep hatin', fuckin' these models.
So much money like we own the lotto,
Pull up to a club in a white Murcielago.
He don't make dollars, he don't make cents,
He don't make you rich, he don't mean shit, shit
We the shit. I mean, how much better can it get?
Harleys, Maseratis, Gallardos, we make too much, do'
And we spend it all day, welcome to Saint-Tropez
(Oh yeah)

[Chorus Kalenna]
Whoa, party now
Too much money in the bank account,
Hands in the air make you scream and shout,
When we're in Saint-Tropez. [x2]

Whoa, party now
Spending money in a large amount,
Hands in the air make you scream and shout.
When we're in Saint-Tropez. [x2]

Ladies and gentlemen, tonight,
All the way from Moscow, Russia,
Give a warm welcome
For heavy weight rap champion,
So make some noise
For the one and only, Mr. Black Star

[Hook Timati]
Get it up, don't stop your body
Come on ladies, let's get naughty
Get it up, now everybody
Come on girls, here comes the daddy

Get it up, don't stop your body
Get it up, again your body
Get it up, now everybody
Get it up for music

[Chorus Kalenna]
Whoa, party now
Too much money in the bank account,
Hands in the air make you scream and shout,
When we're in Saint-Tropez. [x2]

Whoa, party now
Spending money in a large amount
Hands in the air make you scream and shout.
When we're in Saint-Tropez. [x2]

Welcome to Saint-Tropez

Тимати - Welcome to St. Tropez (Ft.DJ Antoine)

Слова песни прочитаны: 509

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