119877119860119875 119872119874119873119878119879119864119877 - 119869119874119870119864

Текст песни:


this rhythm that makes my eardrums cry
bass and drum, the oil that makes me move
everything that exists here, happiness until your new obedience, everything Imma fuckin get em
Im Elastine and you guys are dandruff
rap idiots, your standard is a commotion
fame, girls, money thats my honey to the honey to the honey who guards the (??)
Imma fuckin beat em
a hero like a leech, kill me tie me up, give me
my destiny Im so super I just grew up
beggar-like mothersuckers, motherfuckers all of them decay, make them break their hands and feet
suckers make them chin-ups fuck up
with one mouth, two words, girls see you and call you unnie
even if its too much its easy to tease you, you guys in songs what are you, Lee Gunhee*
at which girls get more twisted up than Paris, they know so your truth is all revealed
the votes from your loyal fans at the Hongdae variety shows
Ill open this places doors and close them like a campaign
the rap pain that you guys feel every day
in an instant I conquer the beat
when they see you the beats speak, that guys a loss
youll feel a little offended, my pay
Sweden, Germany, Brazil to Japan
my pen is stronger than your dirty tongue
its now, try to tease me my loss thats greater than Okwang**
got six bullets in my tongue, ho
six snakes in my lung, ho
six shots got me feeling 2pac, okay, these are AAPs lyrics, ho
like a couple with good conjugal harmony, theres nothing big
your heaven, just like a woman, you wont see face to face
Im tick dock a duster, bak bak dusting, my tongue like water, youll see it
yeah this is meaningless wordplay, you know I got a mufuckin beat
got a mufuckin rhyme
got a mufuckin flow got a mufuckin style
got a mufuckin wine got a mufuckin shine
these are all how many words? my mufuckin lines
bitch Im the one Im so mufuckin prime

youre so countrified youre the village leader, the style of old geezers who like jokbal***
bitch Im your man, 10 out of 10, my heart is pitch black, a summers suntan
my operations are beginning, my names brand
I do it all myself, my names band
here is the playplace Ive prepared, pull the lever
theres a big difference huh? in your and my levels
this name is the greatest, and my family name is ever
I wont ever change my name, Im never ever ever
okay asshole, youre more annoying than favorable, rice rather than a tower
short instead of answering, if you watch porn you finish in 3 seconds
Im the top of the top, favor of the favor, answer of the answer, sunbaes and hoobaes alike come back
just play with your dick or something, try eating, its delicious. okay, youre my enemy, right, my enemy
whether its night or day, fucking industries, youre a bastard who cant rap more than three characters
bibidi babidi bubidi babidi. nimini namini jirimi chakami
hold on to your own things, pig out, young pollack. is your name Mimi, shawty? no answer
my rap is totally a handle, money rap. Ill say one word about your rap, dont rap
mine is rap that plays well in wide water. yours is rap that originally isnt rap, non-rap****
yeah youre the best woman, losing to pussy
so you do fucking well, being bossy*****
pull out and tell your lover you have gonnorhea
I pop it rock it knock it never stop it talkin some trashes
Im out of work so so I have no mercy, youre really out of work so you have no money for car payments
you know I aint about the thousands let me ride it yo drop it swap it
rock it mock it stalk it lock it in my pocket
theres full of monsters
yeah I gettin on em bitch, gettin on em rich
the son of the seaside, youre son of a beach
I shine like a diamond in the rough, like son of a jade******
Im a monster, son of a Stitch
yeah man I told you that Im a monster
that why I be rappin non-stop
I do want your hands at the concert
want your fuckin damn erry hands at the concert
hit me


* = Lee Gunhee, owner of Samsung
** = Okwang, a fortune-telling card game
*** = jokbal, boiled pig feet, a popular food for older people
**** = money rap and dont rap have similar pronunciation, playing rap and non-rap have similar pronunciation
***** =

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