5 начей с фредди 3 - 5 ночей с Фреди 3 новая песня фнаф 3 )

Текст песни:

Thirty years since all this happened,
Thirty years it took to rise
Blood on the floor and in their eyes,
They took the bite and left them to die

Thirty years and now I'm here
The only one left to scream in fear,
Your job means nothing when I got you running
away with blood in your tears

Take a look at me can you see the death in my eyes,
All the time you're waiting I get
Stronger with power and force
Its not as if they're paying you much

In five nights at Freddy's three
I'll hunt you down then you will see
You'll burn alive, when you hit night 5,
That's life in five nights at Freddy's 3
A horror ride built just for me,
Your doom is near your time comes now,
You're just too late I'm gunning you down

All these toys yet not much time,
Before I take your soul tonight,
Piece by piece I build your fears,
What can we use to end this right.

All these vents and all these rooms,
No camera keeps you from your doom,
Cus nothing stopped me from the past that's rotting,
I'm still here bitch your fight ends soon

Now I'm free to take your
Soul and place it in mine,
All the time you're waiting,
Time goes longer and longer inside,
Before you know it, your soul is mine

In five nights at Freddy's three
I'll hunt you down then you will see
You'll burn alive, when you hit night 5,
That's life in five nights at Freddy's 3
A horror ride built just for me,
Your doom is near your time comes now,
You're just too late I'm gunning you down

30 years ago they used to be just toys, just, play mates,
But then it happened.
The fire in their eyes became unstoppable, indestructible, they were machines ready for their final act.
But 30 years have passed, the patriots renewed the franchise, rebuilt the nighare... Poor fools... What the fuck have they done? We're coming for you

12am, you sit and stare,
1am I start the fair,
2am, I zip and zoom,
4am, shit just got real,
5am, you know the deal
Lets hope you make the last hour count

In five nights at Freddy's three
I'll hunt you down then you will see
You'll burn alive, when you hit night 5,
That's life in five nights at Freddy's 3
A horror ride built just for me,
Your doom is near your time comes now,
You're just too late I'm coming for you now.

What can we use, the power divine,
You're time ends now,
I burn alive, in night five

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