740 Boyz - Shimmy Shake [1995]

Текст песни:

Bring that big bottom down
Bring that booty to the ground
Bring that big bottom down
Bring that booty to the ground

Shake that curly, girly, high
Way up in the sky
Shake that curly, girly, high
Way up in the sky

Bring that big bottom down
Bring that booty to the ground
Bring that big bottom down
Bring that booty to the ground

Shake that curly, girly, high
Way up in the sky
Shake that curly, girly, high
Way up in the sky, come on

Check the technique, then I've got it
Checking all MC's mighty proud
And making them ladies shimmy shake
When it comes to shaking he takes a break

You don't play, he gets there to the limit
Pretty girl, get up and get it
Just like that, girl, keep it coming
And if you're leaking, I'll do the plumbing

Yo, homie, your mother goes on in here
'Cause, baby, I'm thumping on thought, dear
So gimme that shimmy shake you left
Girl, give it up, don't make me bad

Shake that shimmy, baby
Shake that shimmy
Girl, go rock, rock that shimmy, baby
Shake, shake, shake, shake

Shake that shimmy, baby
Shake that shimmy
Girl, go rock, rock that shimmy, baby
Shake, shake, shake, shake

Shake that shimmy, baby
Shake that shimmy
Girl, go rock, rock that shimmy, baby
Shake, shake, shake, shake

Shake that shimmy, baby
Shake that shimmy
Girl, go pop, pop that shimmy, baby
Pop, pop, pop, pop

Bring that big bottom down
Bring that booty to the ground
Bring that big bottom down
Bring that booty to the ground

Shake that curly, girly, high
Way up in the sky
Shake that curly, girly, high
Way up in the sky

To the left, to the right
Shake that thing with all your might
To the left, to the right
Shake that thing with all your might

Don't be shay, don't be shy
Come on, girl, come on, guy
Don't be shay, don't be shy
Come on, girl, come on, guy, come on

You can act a fool if you want to
Join the school and jump like a mother
Take a chance as they might you know of
You can hustle just like a hustler

You can start with your good body there
Grab a girl and do your thing
Make your move and show how you can
Well, remember, track with a slam

Let me go and just get hyper
Pull a honey that's just your typer
Jump on the back and begin to light her
Be a slave or we'll be beside her

Shake that shimmy, baby
Shake that shimmy
Girl, go rock, rock that shimmy, baby
Shake, shake, shake, shake

Shake that shimmy, baby
Shake that shimmy
Girl, go rock, rock that shimmy, baby
Shake, shake, shake, shake

Shake that shimmy, baby
Shake that shimmy
Girl, go rock, rock that shimmy, baby
Shake, shake, shake, shake

Shake that shimmy, baby
Shake that shimmy
Girl, go pop, pop that shimmy, baby
Pop, pop, pop, pop

Let me hump on your rummy
Me so (Render, be a bender)
Let me pump on your rummy
Let me (Pop you 'till it's tender)

Like a snake day's break
Baby (Shake it 'till you break it)
When it's broke, no joke
We can (Go home and you'll make it)

Come on and let me come out there
It is one thing like shake that thing
Girl, make your moves and make it fast

I'll hurt you (I'll hurt you, baby)
I'll hurt you (Yeah, I'll hurt you, baby)
I'll hurt you (I'll hurt you, baby)
I'll hurt you (Yeah, I'll hurt you, baby)

I'll hurt you (I'll hurt you, baby)
I'll hurt you (Yeah, I'll hurt you, baby)
I'll hurt you (I'll hurt you, baby)
I'll hurt you (Yeah, I'll hurt you, baby)

I'll hurt you (I'll hurt you, baby)
I'll hurt you (Yeah, I'll hurt you, baby)
I'll hurt you (I'll hurt you, baby)
I'll hurt you (Yeah, I'll hurt you, baby)

740 Boyz - Shimmy Shake [1995]

Слова песни прочитаны: 755

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