Abu Yasser - Salil as-Sawarim

Текст песни:

saleelul sawarim nasheedul ubah
wa darbul qitaly tariqul haya
fa baynaq tihamin yubidu tugha
wa kateem musawtim jamilun sadah

saleelul sawarim nasheedul ubah
wa darbul qitaly tariqul haya
fa baynaq tihamin yubidu tugha
wa kateem musawtim jamilun sadah

behi azadini w galal bugha faya qawmi hubu lidarbil kumah
fa ima hayatun tasurul hudah wa ima ma'matun yughighul uda
wa ima ma'matun yughighul uda

saleelul sawarim nasheedul ubah
wa darbul qitaly tariqul haya
fa baynaq tihamin yubidu tugha
wa kateem musawtim jamilun sadah

faqum yaw'faya lidarbin naja lilamdi saweeya nasudul ghuza
wa narfa umajida wa nu'leh jiba abat antadila be ghairil ilah
abat antadila le ghairil ilah

saleelul sawarim nasheedul ubah
wa darbul qitaly tariqul haya
fa baynaq tihamin yubidu tugha
wa kateem musawtim jamilun sadah

il al haqi haya da'ana lewa
li sahil manaya be harbi aydah
faman ma ta'minna fi dan an himah
bi janati khuldin sayaghdu azah
bi janati khuldin sayaghdu azah

saleelul sawarim nasheedul ubah
wa darbul qitaly tariqul haya
fa baynaq tihamin yubidu tugha
wa kateem musawtim jamilun sadah

saleelul sawarim nasheedul ubah
wa darbul qitaly tariqul haya
fa baynaq tihamin yubidu tugha
wa kateem musawtim jamilun sadah

Clashing of the swords a nasheed of the reluctant.
The path of fighting is the path of life.
So amidst an assault, tyranny is destroyed.
And concealment of the voice results in the beauty of the echo.

Clashing of the swords a nasheed of the reluctant.
The path of fighting is the path of life.
So amidst an assault, tyranny is destroyed.
And concealment of the voice results in the beauty of the echo.

By it my religion is glorified, and tyranny is laid low.
So, oh my people, awake on the path of the brave.
For either being alive delights leaders, or being dead vexes the enemy.

Clashing of the swords a nasheed of the reluctant.
The path of fighting is the path of life.
So amidst an assault, tyranny is destroyed.
And concealment of the voice results in the beauty of the echo.

Clashing of the swords a nasheed of the reluctant.
The path of fighting is the path of life.
So amidst an assault, tyranny is destroyed.
And concealment of the voice results in the beauty of the echo.

So arise, brother, get up on the path of salvation,
So we may march together, resist the aggressors,
Raise our glory, and raise the foreheads
That have refused to bow before any besides God.

Clashing of the swords a nasheed of the reluctant.
The path of fighting is the path of life.
So amidst an assault, tyranny is destroyed.
And concealment of the voice results in the beauty of the echo.

Clashing of the swords a nasheed of the reluctant.
The path of fighting is the path of life.
So amidst an assault, tyranny is destroyed.
And concealment of the voice results in the beauty of the echo.

With righteousness arise,
The banner has called us,
To brighten the path of destiny,
To wage war on the enemy.
Whosoever among us dies, in sacrifice for defence,
Will enjoy eternity in Paradise. Mourning will depart.

Clashing of the swords a nasheed of the reluctant.
The path of fighting is the path of life.
So amidst an assault, tyranny is destroyed.
And concealment of the voice results in the beauty of the echo.

Clashing of the swords a nasheed of the reluctant.
The path of fighting is the path of life.
So amidst an assault, tyranny is destroyed.
And concealment of the voice results in the beauty of the echo.

Abu Yasser - Salil as-Sawarim

Слова песни прочитаны: 2077

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