Adele - Hello Bars and Melody Cover

Текст песни:


Hello, it's me
I was wondering if after all
these years you'd like to meet
to go over everything
they say that time's supposed to
heal ya but I ain't done much

Hello, can you hear me?
I'm in California dreaming
about who we used to be
when we were younger and free
I've forgotten how it felt before
the world fell at our feet
there's such a difference
between us and a million miles

Hello from the other side
I must have called a thousand
times to tell you I'm sorry for
everything that I've done
but when I call you never seem
to be home

hello from the outside
at least I can say that I've
tried to tell you I'm sorry for
breaking your heart
but it don't matter
it clearly doesn't tear you
apart anymore


it was magic
the first time that I fell in love
was I crazy
Yo, can I ever caught in love
I walked in circles
you're running in my head all
I thought I talked to you
but I don't even what to say

I've got to job
so I can't buy you pretty pearls
I've got no maney
to find you all around the world
so all I give to you
is all that come to all of me
what's gonna take to you
to even notice me?
I looked to her when I drought
the more

she's having sedges like a
princess with no frown
and when she looked at me
I knew that I was sold
my eyes shot thought my colours
yellow, grin and gold

I walked up to her window
looked up right from the gutter
just like a flower with the beauty
and its started and in that moment
when she smiled and then kissed me
I had to leave and now
I'm bottomless and empty


Hello from the other side
(the other side)
I must have called a
thousand times
to tell you I'm sorry for
everything that I've done
but when I call you never seem
to be home
(seem to be home)

hello from the outside
at least I can say that I've tried
to tell you I'm sorry for
breaking your heart
but it don't matter
it clearly doesn't tear you
apart anymore


Hello from the other side
I must have called a thousand times
(a thousand times)
to tell you I'm sorry (so sorry) for
everything that I've done
but when I call you never seem
to be home (seem to be home)

hello from the outside
(from the outside)
at least I can say that I've
tried (I've tried)
to tell you I'm sorry (so sorry) for
breaking your heart but it
don't matter it clearly doesn't
tear you apart anymore..

Adele - Hello (Bars and Melody Cover)

Слова песни прочитаны: 397

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