Afu-Ra - God Of Rap

Текст песни:

Yo, I'm straight rockin' it

Hit the block with it, chessboxing it

If I can't shoot it, I ox it

And I'm reppin' for Brooklyn, tools in my rocket

Broke right outta my cage, I'm gonna rock it

Ooh, that's how I spit, chill, yo I got this

I bust a move, one-two, shell shocking it

Put words together, make you stacking it, tackle it

I'm well endowed, and my flows quite accurate

I pull rabbits out my hat on some magic ish

Presto change-o, I do my thing, yo

Three sixty spin into Dr. Strange, yo

Wa-da-da-deng, wa-da-da-da-da-deng yo

Fuck gaming, and the gamer who spittin flames yo

I do this for my people whose minds in them chains yo

So everybody that's really to roll, get ready to eat

Because I'm cooking on this track yo

[Chorus Afu-Ra]

"I said hey hey hey hey"

You know I be the god of the rap, the couldn't hold me back"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, yea"

I'm burning that purple, dog, you want some of that?

"I said hey hey hey hey"

Wanna murder these tracks, the god, know how to act

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, yea"

I'm bout to rep with skills, hold on, they couldn't hold me back

[Hook Afu-Ra]

I gotta be, all I can be

No matter what nobody wants from me

I gotta be, all I can

No matter what nobody wants from me

I had a revelation

To speak my mind with a good vibration

Aiy, don't matter what you saying

I'm hardcore with my rap and I ain't playing

I get around, get around, get around

Uh-huh, a force untold with so much soul

A twenty four karat heart of gold

I get around, get around, I get around

Uh-huh, a stop drop and rock, and shock yo town

Listen to the way that I scream it now



Wanna run up? Put the smackdown, crack down

On the track now, matter fact, it's a fact now

Million stops, earthquakes from the beats, move the streets

I got the treats and it's a rap now

My sex is engulfed in a small pack of pow wow

I weigh the crowd for having a sound

That astounds the pounds, of leading to the track to the ground

And surround clowns with more color in they faces

In any circus in any town, uptown, downtown

Straight up and down, holler at the moon, now

Straight bring it to your face, kid

Blind ya like the police, sprayin' that mace, kid

I get around, get around, get around

Uh-huh, a stop drop and rock, and shock ya town

Listen to the way that I scream it now




Afu-Ra - God Of Rap

Слова песни прочитаны: 435

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