Anna Graceman - Treble

Текст песни:

A steady beat goes 1,2,3,4
A steady heart goes I Love You More I know sometimes its confusing
Pick out a moment when you couldnt make up your mind
And you think that your entire life is timed
You said its your choice but whos choosing You told me we were the perfect song
So I continued to sing along
But now that I know what this is all about Ill stop talking and Ill shout
Hey I thought we were the greatest symphony, melody, harmony
You talked about us like that, at the start Hey
You said its how its supposed to be, destiny,
I dont agree
You messed with my mind and tore me apart
And now it seems youve broke my heart, my treble heart
A broken heart thinks everything is just fine
A broken metronome count out the wrong time People around say, I should let go
My mind is spinning and I desperately need a cure Im in a fantasy, blinded thats for sure
You used to love, that was awhile ago
You told me we were the perfect song
So I continued to sing along
But now that I know what this is all about Ill stop talking and Ill shout
Hey I thought we were the greatest symphony, melody, harmony
You talked about us like that, at the start
Hey You said its how its supposed to be, destiny,
I dont agree You messed with my mind and tore me apart
And now it seems youve broke my heart, my treble heart
You were the bass I was the treble
Together we life to a whole nother level
Youll never get there again
Cause its the end Though my heart is on fire and so are my tear I will remember you through the year
Cause youre responsible for this light
That burns inside, and its alright
You told me we were the perfect song
So I continued to sing along
But now that I know what this is all about Ill stop talking and Ill shout
Hey I thought we were the greatest symphony, melody, harmony
You talked about us like that, at the start
Hey You said its how its supposed to be, destiny,
I dont agree
You messed with my mind and tore me apart
And now it seems youve broke my heart, my treble heart

Anna Graceman - Treble Heart(

Слова песни прочитаны: 870

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