Black Sun Empire - All is Lost feat. Thomas Oliver and Youthstar

Текст песни:

When the leaves are falling from the trees around me
And the rivers run dry and seas are lonely
When the sky is red and the tides are turning
We will stand in the arms of fire and burning

Times up, clocks stopped
Get in position, suit up
Night falls, skys scorched
The ends here, hopes lost

Times up, clocks stopped
Get in position, suit up
Night falls, skys scorched
The ends here

Take cover
Its even opening the flood shutters
As the rains pouring down, flushing out the gutters
Panic-stricken as the masses grabbing one another
Then the Earth begins to shake, were [] in this rubble
Im talking whole entire cities leveled
Ground cracks, the fire burns from all the rubble, but all is lost
Then the sky drops and all will add to dust
Right at the moment the world stops

Times up, clocks stopped
Get in position, suit up
Night falls, skys scorched
The ends here, hopes lost

Times up, clocks stopped
Get in position, suit up
Night falls, skys scorched
The ends here

When the leaves are falling from the trees around me
And the rivers run dry and seas are lonely
When the sky is red and the tides are turning
We will stand in the arms of fire and burning

Take cover
Its even opening the flood shutters
As the rains pouring down, flushing out the gutters
Panic-stricken as the masses grabbing one another
Then the Earth begins to shake, were [] in this rubble
Im talking whole entire cities leveled
Ground cracks, the fire burns from all the rubble, but all is lost
Then the sky drops and all will add to dust
Right at the moment the world stops

Black Sun Empire - All is Lost feat. Thomas Oliver and Youthstar

Слова песни прочитаны: 1024

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