Black Veil Brides - Resurrect the Sun

Текст песни:

Here in the echoes
Madness grows
The years of my sinning
Teach me to show
A heartless feeling
Of pain and regret
These wounds were opened
Like lines in the sand
The world is sleeping
But they still have hope so

I pray for morning, I swear I'll never let you die.
These saints within us, can bring this moment back to life.
And my heart's held high with this battle cry, I'll march on.
On the horizon we will resurrect the sun

For the darkness
Has broken our homes
All that we wished for
Like fools on a rope
I can feel it
The desperate control
A burning passion
When love takes it's toll
Yet souls have a reason
And I won't let go

I pray for morning, I swear I'll never let you die.
These saints within us, can bring this moment back to life.
And my heart's held high with this battle cry, I'll march on.
On the horizon we will resurrect the sun, sun, sun.
Resurrect the sun, sun, sun.
Resurrect the sun.

The world is sleeping
But they still have hope, so.

I pray for morning, I swear I'll never let you die.
These saints within us, can bring this moment back to life.
And my heart's held high with this battle cry, I'll march on.
On the horizon we will resurrect the sun, sun, sun.
Resurrect the sun, sun, sun.
Resurrect the sun, sun, sun
Resurrect the sun, sun, sun
Resurrect the sun.

Black Veil Brides - Resurrect the Sun

Слова песни прочитаны: 444

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