Bring me the horizon - Hospital For Soulsvocal cover by В.Кирилов

Текст песни:

"And then I found out how hard it is
To really change
Even Hell can get comfy
Once you've settled in...
I just wanted the numb inside of me to leave
No matter how fucked you get -
Sorrow is there when you come back down...

Funny thing is all I ever wanted, I already had.
There's glimpses of Heaven in every day...
In the friends that I have, the music I make
The love that I feel.
I just had to start again..."

The days are a death wish
A witch hunt for an exit
I am powerless...

The fragile, the broken
Sit in circles and stay unspoken
We are powerless...

Because we all walk alone on an empty staircase
Idle in the halls and nameless faces
I am powerless...

Everybody wants to go to Heaven
But nobody wants to die
I can fear death no longer
I've died a thousand times

Wait for universe
And we don't know ourselves
The emptiness inside our heads
That no one dares to dwell

Throw me to the flames
Watch me burn
Set my world ablaze
Watch me burn

How are we on a scale of one to ten?
You can tell me, what do you say?
Do you wanna talk about it?
How does that make you feel?

Have you ever took a blade to your wrist
When you've been skipping meals?
We're gonna try something new today...
How does that make you feel?

Hold me close, don't let go
Watch me...
Hold me close, don't let go
Watch me...
Hold me close, don't let go
Watch me...
In this hospital for souls

Hold me close, don't let go
Watch me burn
Hold me close, tell me "go"
Watch me burn
Hold me close, don't let go
Watch me burn
In this hospital for souls

Bring me the horizon - Hospital For Souls(vocal cover by В.Кирилов)

Слова песни прочитаны: 567

Другие песни исполнителя Bring me the horizon

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