Britney Spears - Pretty Girls feat. Iggy Azalea

Текст песни:


All around the world
Pretty girls
Wipe the floor with all the boys
Pour the drinks
Bring the noise
(It's Iggy Iggz)
We're just so pretty

All around the world
Pretty girls
Jump the line
To the front
Do what we like
Get what we want
We're just so pretty

(Verse 1 - Britney)

Don't you know it's always the same
From Australia 'round to LA
You can betcha where ever the girls go boys follow
We be keepin' them up on their toes
They can laugh but they don't get the jokes
Just you watch they're so predicable
(some things don't change)

Girls roll up
Windows roll down
Eyes on us
Jaws on the ground
Watch them girls
It's all so funny
Like bees to the honey


(Verse 2 - Britney)
Tell me
Is it true that these men are from Mars?
Is that why they actin' bizarre?
Everytime I walk out of my house it's like "hey baby"
They don't see me rolling my eyes
They're buzzing around me like flies
They got one thing on their minds
(some things don't change)



Bridge - Iggy (Britney ad-libs)

If you ask me I'm killin em softly
I would spend time with you but that'd cost me
They pray that Iggy Iggy give 'em one more chance
But B's n Iggy wouldn't even give 'em one more glance
See it took that line between the beauty and the beast
Slim waist thick cake
The whole world want a piece
Bad girl good would make you lose your mind
While all the boys beggin' Britney hit 'em one more time

What's up Britney?


Britney Spears - Pretty Girls (feat. Iggy Azalea)

Слова песни прочитаны: 632

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