Coolio - Let it go

Текст песни:

Let's do it, get to it
Let's do it, get to it
Let's do it, get to it
Let's do it

Another Saturday night and I'm feelin' kinda slow
I'm down with the flu but I don't want no [Incomprehensible]
Even though I'm thirsty and I'm hungry
I need some Kurathers, beat this but not up in my stomach

I wanna chop your cherry tree, I can't tell a lie
Something's on the rise, what a surprise
I called up the homies, I said, "Let's go the spot
Where the drinks is cold and the girls ain't too hot"

Now we in the house
But the house is kinda empty
Rats run around the room
But wait, I spoke too soon

Ah, damn, look what done walked in
Pumps and a bump, breath smellin' like gin
Baby, you look good with that blue dress on
Maybe someday me and you can be as one

Let's get to know each other better
I can sing you a song
And you can write me a love letter

Baby, you can do it, take your time, do it right
(Let's do it, get to it)
You can do it, baby, baby
(Let's do it, get to it)

Baby, you can do it, take your time, do it right
(Let's do it, get to it)
You can do it, baby, baby
(Let's do it, get to it)

Damn, I'm feelin' frisky
Come and sit down with me
Conversate about hanky panky
And a little dranky wanky

Tell me 'bout your innermost thoughts
Wants, needs and your desires
And I'll tell you about mine
We can spend some quality time

You want a man with vision, who ain't afraid to listen
I wanna mention, I can hit that ass in thirty-six positions
And I just want a regular old fashion high coochie mama
With love for her daddy, anytime he want it

Bring home the turkey bacon and fry it in the pan
Or some filet minon and still let me know I'm the man
I'm the doctor, and you can play the nurse
But we got to have patience even though we hella anxious

Let's take it slow and proceed with caution
'Coz love just don't come 'round here too often
So take my number and we'll get together later
And I'll take yours, I'm out like the L.A. Raiders

Baby, you can do it, take your time, do it right
(Let's do it, get to it)
You can do it, baby, baby
(Let's do it, get to it)

Baby, you can do it, take your time, do it right
(Let's do it, get to it)
You can do it, baby, baby
(Let's do it, get to it)

A few months went by with phone calls and some dinners
Moonlit nights with Marvin Gaye, Dramatics and The Spinners
Top down on the Vette watching California sunsets
And pretty soon we developed that respect that we needed

So we was here to get the relationship heated
And hot and bothered, know what I'm meanin'?
It started slow with some kisses and some touches
A few more weeks went by 'coz we didn't wanna rush it

They say a fast horse don't win no races
And I'm a witness 'coz real winners always take steady paces
Hand in hand, woman to man
I know everything about her and she know everything about me

And we made love for the first time
In the right way, in the perfect state of mind
It's a whole lot mo' than your average bump 'n grind
You better get yours, 'coz I got mine

Baby, you can do it, take your time, do it right
(Let's do it, get to it)
You can do it, baby, baby
(Let's do it, get to it)

Baby, you can do it, take your time, do it right
(Let's do it, get to it)
You can do it, baby, baby
(Let's do it, get to it)

Baby, you can do it, take your time, do it right
(Let's do it, get to it)
You can do it, baby, baby
(Let's do it, get to it)

Baby, you can do it, take your time, do it right
(Let's do it, get to it)
You can do it, baby, baby
(Let's do it, get to it)

Take, take your time

Coolio - Let it go

Слова песни прочитаны: 638

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