Dark Tranquillity - Zodijackyl Light

Текст песни:

Crown the impulse that deliberately fall
defeat in spiritless action
Isolation - burn the greenwood
order of the vertical path
crawl in the remnants of one thousand lies
torching a world that was left behind
Zodiackyl light
Cross the sharpest void
deride the embers of his faith
the bringer that on million horses ride
Waiting for the call within the spark of sin
ever reminiscent of the coming of storm
Can you see the cosmic face in which disorder lies
Burning of opression
the inventor
is the killing hand
Be that of the darkest sin
to frustrate hope and love
I shall not be blinded
I shall not be forced
feasting on debris from celestical wars
Burning in the sky
beyond the realm of time
Sequence of the nucleus
the glowing dust in flight
Zodijackal light
And they ride, they ride
the drama takes the lead
the beast of heaven their guide
Racing through the vastness
constellation disarray
that darkness could not have existed
that bares no witness to the light
Sweet endless
Perpetually pronge through interior vaults
So seamless
Joints of time cannot shackle the beast
Zodijackyl light.

Dark Tranquillity - Zodijackyl Light

Слова песни прочитаны: 640

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