Devildriver - End Of The Line

Текст песни:

I do declare, there's something in the air.
Im burning the candle at both ends.
Bitter betrayals, skeleton keys,
Houses to haunt, well its alright by me.
Rags to ruin, some foolhardy choices.
Some would say not a ghost of a chance.
The ghosts in my mind, they are one of a kind,
They tell me what to do, and its shut down you.

Some things are best just left unsaid.

End of the line, end of the line.
One door closes, another door closes,
And now your boxed in.
End of the line, end of the Line.

Feel eyes inthe trees, the forebodding path,
The turn of the head, i hear it laugh,
It says "Hang em now", it says" hang em high".
When you are done, then hail to the sky
Ive been taught to get the fuck up.
To dust myself off, and to go it again.
The ghosts in my mind, they're one of a kind.
They tell me what to do, and its shut down you.

Some things are best just left unsaid.

End of the line, end of the line.
One door closes, another door closes,
And now your boxed in.
End of the line, end of the line.


Bitter betrayals, the foreboding path,
Ive come to shut you down, rags to ruin.
Some foolhardy choices, some would say
"Not a ghost of a chance, the ghosts in my mind".
They're one of a kind,
They tell me what to do, and its shut down you.

Some things are best just left unsaid.

End of the line, end of the line.
One door closes, another door closes,
And now your boxed in.
End of the line, end of the line.

Devildriver - End Of The Line

Слова песни прочитаны: 488

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