Hollywood Undead - My Town

Текст песни:

This is my town
(It's my town
It's my town
It's my town )
This is my town
(It's my town
It's my town
It's my town )
This is my town

Yo, fuck this scene
Hit the strip,
Get my picks
Got some sniffles in the sack
Run this town like a spinner on a track
Come on, laid back
Two attack in the leg
We ain't cuttin no slack
Girl, what you know about that?
I ain't tryna be a lover but I gotta say
That we could keep it undercover
When you wanna play
Waist up, smoked out outta my mind
We just cruise around, my town
All the time

When the sun goes down
The stars come out like the ghost of yesterday
So drink 'em down
'Cause some things never change
Baby, sing it loud
We ain't gonna fuck around
When the sun goes down
Let me hear you say
This is my town
(It's my town
It's my town
It's my town )
This is my town
(It's my town
It's my town
It's my town )
This is my town

If the city never sleeps
Then fuck it, neither will I
You know we keep it thirty deep
And we're as high as the sky
You can watch us, thirty creep us
We just ride and we ride
You can watch the fiesta drop from one side to side
We're breaking the boulevard
'Cause we get it better
Whenever you need to find me
Bitch, you can send me a letter
Forever drunk and disorderly
All this vodka I'm pouring me
Goddamn, and I want it all
My city of glory

When the sun goes down
The stars come out like the ghost of yesterday
So drink 'em down
'Cause some things never change
Baby, sing it loud
We ain't gonna fuck around
When the sun goes down
Let me hear you say
This is my town
(It's my town
It's my town
It's my town )
This is my town
(It's my town
It's my town
It's my town )
This is my town

The streets you walk give you a reason
'Cause it's all you got
And that'll never change
So keep singing that song
And we can live forever
pour a little out for the ones who passed away

When the sun goes down
The stars come out like the ghost of yesterday
So drink 'em down
'Cause some things never change
Baby, sing it loud
We ain't gonna fuck around
When the sun goes down
Let me hear you say
This is my town
(It's my town
It's my town
It's my town )
This is my town
(It's my town
It's my town
It's my town )
This is my town

Hollywood Undead - My Town

Слова песни прочитаны: 713

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