Iron Maiden - The Longest Day

Текст песни:

In the gloom the gathering storm abates (How long on this longest day)
In the ships gimlet eyes await ('Til we finally make it through)
The call to arms to hammer at the gates (How long on this longest day)
To blow them wide throw evil to its fate ('Til we finally make it through)

All summers long the drills to build the machine (How long on this longest day)
To turn men from flesh and blood to steel ('Til we finally make it through)
From paper soldiers to bodies on the beach (How long on this longest day)
From summer sands to armageddon's beach ('Til we finally make it through)

Overlord, your master not your god
The enemy coast dawning grey with scud
These wretched souls puking, shaking fear
To take a bullet for those who sent them here

The world's alight, the cliffs erupt in flame
No escape, remorseless shrapnel rains
Drowning men no chance for a warrior's fate
A choking death enter hell's gate

Sliding we go, only fear on our side
To the edge of the wire,
and we rush with the tide
Oh the water is red,
with the blood of the dead
But i'm still alive, pray to God i survive

How long on this longest day
'Til we finally make it through
How long on this longest day
'Til we finally make it through

The rising dead, faces bloated torn
They are relieved, the living wait their turn
Your number's up, the bullet's got your name
You still go on, to hell and back again

Valhalla waits, valkyries rise and fall
The warrior tombs, lie open for us all
A ghostly hand reaches through the veil
Blood and sand, we will prevail

Sliding we go, only fear on our side
To the edge of the wire,
and we rush with the tide
Oh the water is red,
with the blood of the dead
But i'm still alive, pray to God i survive

Iron Maiden - The Longest Day

Слова песни прочитаны: 428

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