J.Dashтанец тверк Майли Сайрус - Wop

Текст песни:

Uh-oh [X2]


Uh-oh [X2]


I made a little bit of money (I made a little bit of money)
I paid my bills (I paid my bills)
I paid this cover (I paid this cover)
I ain't here to stand still (I ain't here to stand still)

Let me see you wop

Wop [X24]

[Verse 1]

Let me get lost if you don't
Look at the reaction when I hit em in the front
Got fleezy in the back and chello in the front
Listen to the radio I got what you wont
It's so fly cuz the club on chomp
Got hizz like woofs beatin in the back of the door
Ladies take it back throw it back to the front
Bend yo' waist look to the front
Now BOUNCE yo body to the beat just a little bit harder (harder)
Shawty move yo feet just a little bit harder (harder)

Anybody here wop better than me?
Purple flag to the left WHO better than me.
I got an all star squad who better than me.
Man listening to the beat who better the me.
I payed to get in so I ain't goin to jail and then be weepin' way to long...


[Verse 2]

J.dash why you gotta do it like that
Got the ladies checkin' they bags
Wopping like they breakin' they backs (breakin they backs)
Takin' it back, back, back... wait
Now I'm chekin shawty with a microwave
Hotta' than a shawty in a microwave
Look at how she woppin' think she might get paid

Wop Wop Wop a little harder
Look at how she wop she a party starter
I hope that security remembered to card her
Cuz I never done the wop where you ain't hotter
I never drop dime but I drop u a dollar
Tell her if you give me your number then maybe I call her
She said that she knew me and knew I'm a baler
Man I better wop outa here I'll see u tomorrow.



Now drop, drop it to the floor yo (drop it to the floor yo)
Wop [X4]
Now lean and...
Wop [X4]
Turn around and Wop, wop, wop wop [X2]
Now wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle, wiggle wiggle wiggle and...
Wop [X4]
Play dead like... Then
Wop [X4]
Strike a pose like... Then
Wop [X4]
Check that lady like Dang she FINE... then
Beat it up like... then
Wop [X4]
Speed it up like... then
Wop [X4]
Make it rain like
Wop [X4]
Do yo thang like
Wop [X4]
Make money like
Wop [X4]
Hit your body like
Wop [X4]
Do yo thang like
Wop [X4]
Make money like
Wop [X4]
Make it rain like
Wop [X4]

Slap dash...

Put some more
Wop [X4]
Purple flag
Wop [X4]
Drink a stand
Wop [X4]
Hit you're body like
Wop [X4]
And we do it like
Wop [X4]
Slow down like


This is another j.dash production

Keep woppin' [X18]

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