Katzenjammer - A Bar In Amsterdam

Текст песни:

Nine hours passed and how long will it last
G A (B)
says the man with the plan and a gun in his hand.
He's scared but prepared it might be as he feared
G A (B)
are they still in control, and safe behind the wall.
This evening's too quiet, oh we need a real riot
G A (B)
to shake and to break and to bite like a snake.
We're stuck in this attic so bored and so static,
tomorrow they'll ask us to throw off our masks.
Em (G)
But the storm is a'coming 'cross the hills tonight,
like a vein full of rain to the hearts that should fight.
Em G
The storm is a'coming 'cross the hills tonight,
C G D Em
like a vein full of rain to the hearts that should fight.

Mary's like me she's a loser to be,
G A (B)
got a lock on her door and a bed on the floor.
They will know they will win and then they'll come in.
G A (B)
There's nothing you could say to lead them astray.
We still live in silence like sworn threats of violence.
G A (B)
I long for an end and it's coming round the bend.
If we live through this night and we'd still be all right.
We'd flee to Siam or a bar in Amsterdam.

Em G
But the storm is a'coming 'cross the hills tonight,
like a vein full of rain to the hearts that should fight.
Em G
The storm is a'coming 'cross the hills tonight,
C G D Em
like a vein full of rain to the hearts that should fight.

Katzenjammer - A Bar In Amsterdam

Слова песни прочитаны: 705

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