Limp Bizkit - Lights

Текст песни:

Pain is so beautiful the city of angels
You know who you are it's not that you'r
Waiting for so sweet tomorrow in a room full of
Darkness hoping you'll find LIGHTZ

Its' not that you're waiting for so sweet tomorrow
In a room full of darkness hoping you'll find

What the fuck did days become what a phase to run
We don't judge no priest we don't preach we cum
Smoke all of my lungs fuck you I'm having fun
We ain't blind we see, we don't beat we drum
Organize the ways damn this life is a stage grab
The moment and own it I'm lookin forward today
Before I hop on this plane it's important to say goodbye
To my kids you know you better behave
I'm livin outta my soul, fuck it there's no regrets
Hittin Texas we're selling, this cash money a bet
I've seen this ship before and I ain't have no fear
I'm near I'm near I'm near bitch I'm right here
Fuck it ima drink if I don't get a DUI see these tickets sneak up
On you like a sniper eye, yeah, I'm right above the clouds boy
Aint no way, it's time to get it now boy

Pain is so beautiful the city of angels
You know who you are it's not that you're
Waiting for so sweet tomorrow in a room full of
Darkness hoping you'll find LIGHTZ

I had been through this storm, been through the rain
People tellin me lies nobody taking the blame Jumpin
Through all my thoughts like it's a picket fence all
The shit that I've done doesn't really make sense
Show em how to behave, show em how to go far, show em
How to believe, show em just who you are, fell in love with a
Stripper she happy outta my head every fucked up lady you can say
What she said, with every single right I'm always born white
I'm punching these walls and it aint no right no cheese no bite
Come alive through the night and I sleep in the day
That's some vampire life. Cash money metal, I should get a
Medal, going for the gold life don't settle it's a race to the pain beauty
Is a name taggin on my arm cause my life won't change

Pain is so beautiful the city of angels
You know who you are it's not that you're
Waiting for so sweet tomorrow in a room full of
Darkness hoping you'll find LIGHTZ (x2)

Limp Bizkit - Lights

Слова песни прочитаны: 733

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