Matt and Kim - Daylight Troublemaker Remix feat. De La Soul

Текст песни:

we cut the legs off of our pants
threw our shoes into the ocean
sit back and wave through the daylight
sit back and wave through the daylight

slip and slide on subway grates
these shoes are poor mans ice skates
fall through like change in the daylight
fall through like change in the daylight

i miss yellow lines in my roads
some color on monochrome
maybe ill paint them in myself
maybe ill paint them in myself
maybe ill paint them in myself
maybe ill paint them in myself
maybe ill paint them in myself
maybe ill paint them in myself

these sidewalks liquid then stone
building walls and an old pay phone
it rings like all through the daylight
it rings like all through the daylight

and in the daylight we can hitchhike to Maine
i hope that someday ill see without these frames
and in the daylight i dont pick up my phone
cause in the daylight anywhere feels like home

I have five clocks in my life
and only one has the time right
ill just unplug it for today
ill just unplug it for today

open hydrant rolled down windows
this car might make a good old boat
and float down grand street in daylight
and float down grand street in daylight
and float down grand street in daylight
and float down grand street in daylight
and float down grand street in daylight
and float down grand street in daylight

and with just half of a sunburn
new yellow lines that i earned
step back and here comes the night time
step back and here comes the night time

chorus x2
and in the daylight we can hitchhike to Maine
i hope that someday ill see without these frames
and in the daylight i dont pick up my phone
cause in the daylight anywhere feels like home

Matt and Kim - Daylight (Troublemaker Remix feat. De La Soul)

Слова песни прочитаны: 469

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