mishlawi - all night

Текст песни:

B-town, Big M

I was from the city
She was from the outside
I was from the north
She was from the south side
I looked in the mirror
I said man I'm alright
Little did I know I'd be crying all night

Cause I was from the city
She was from the outside
I was from the north
She was from the south side
I looked in the mirror
I said man I'm alright
Little did I know I'd be crying all night

Cause I was from the city

[Verse 1]
Tip that glass, spark that 'dro
Shake that ass, move that dope
Rappers sound like Dr. Suess but not as dope
Clench your teeth and bite my flow
These folk is bogus y'all home
Therapist said I should focus I had reached the lowest lows
Hurt my sikee, y'all should know this
Do you care you probably don't
Confidence had lowered to degree I thought would never show (and what you got?)
Got a couple months to get my act together
Get this shit up off my shoulders I swear it's a heavy load

I was from the city
She was from the outside
I was from the north
She was from the south side
I looked in the mirror
I said man I'm alright
Little did I know I'd be crying all night

Cause I was from the city
She was from the outside
I was from the north
She was from the south side
I looked in the mirror
I said man I'm alright
Little did I know I'd be crying all night

Cause I was from the city

[Verse 2]
Hunnid' band, hunnid' band, hunnid' band
B-town be tired of counting them hunnids
Ain't no opponent now where is the fun at
No competition the game oh we own that
I been to places and I'm in the zone at
351 had been waiting for dope rap and I'm here now
I been killing shit since '96
Make legend rappers my sidekicks
Tell record labels no mind tricks
I got cosigns a whole line of it
Let's get it

I was from the city
She was from the outside
I was from the north
She was from the south side
I looked in the mirror
I said man I'm alright
Little did I know I'd be crying all night

Cause I was from the city
She was from the outside
I was from the north
She was from the south side
I looked in the mirror
I said man I'm alright
Little did I know I'd be crying all night

Cause I was from the city
She was from the outside
I was from the north
She was from the south side
I looked in the mirror
I said man I'm alright
Little did I know I'd be crying all night

Cause I was from the city
She was from the outside
I was from the north
She was from the south side
I looked in the mirror
I said man I'm alright
Little did I know I'd be crying all night

mishlawi - all night

Слова песни прочитаны: 1051

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