Movetown Feat. R. Horton - Here Comes The Sun Record Mix Extended Edit

Текст песни:

Hey, baby,baby, I need to know
I am I the one who's gonna rock you
at the aftershow?
I'm not a player, no that's not me
I'm just the one who gonna show you
all the seven seas
[Deny my leash]?..... , my baby too
I see the future and it's all about
me and you
My senorita, my summer sun
I'll be your ganster baby
You can shoot my loaded gun, gun, gun, gun....
Baby. you can shoot my loaded gun,gun, gun, gun, gun....
Here comes the sun
And the day has just begun
So come on and let's have some fun
You can really think that you're the one
So come on and let's have some fun, fun, fun, fun....
So come on, on, on, on.....
So come on

Here comes the sun, ya'll

My people be lovin' that
We bringin' that summer trap
Onna top onna low, when we git that,
Is bitta slow when you know,
it's the fat m'at
You can feel it in the car or the clubs
They gonna let'em from the stars to the mud
Some people say, 'the flows so sick',
Let's get it, we gonna blow those hits
From the scene, and it's mean when we party
ain't nobody gonna hurt nobody
We pray everyday, we get it in
Tell your Ma, tell your Dad, yo, tell a friend
It's that summer jam
We goin' number one,
Let's get this party's rockin...

Here comes the sun
And the day has just begun
So come on and let's have some fun
If you really think that you're the one
you're the one
So come on and let's have some fun, fun, fun, fun....
So come on
So come on
Here comes the sun ya'll.

Movetown Feat. R. Horton - Here Comes The Sun (Record Mix) (Extended Edit)

Слова песни прочитаны: 500

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