Nicki Minaj - High School

Текст песни:

Nicki Minaj
He said he came from Jamaica
He owned a couple acres
A couple fake visas cause he never got his papers
Gave up on love, fücking with them heart breakers
But he was getting money with the movers and the shakers
He was mixed with a couple things
Ball like a couple rings
Bricks in the condo and grams to sing sing
Left arm, baby mother tatted
5-year bid up, North on they ratted
Anyway, I felt him, helped him
Put him on lock, seatbelt them
Took him out to Belgium, welcome
Bítches this pretty, that's seldom
This box better than the box he was held in
I'm Momma Dee in that order
I call him Daddy like daughters
He like it when I get drunk
But I like it when he be sober
That's top of the toppa
I never fück with beginners
I let him play with my pussy
Then lick it off of his fingers
I'm in the zone

They holler at me but its you
You, this ain't high school
Me and my crew, we can slide through
Give it to you whenever you want
Whip it whenever you want
Baby, it's yours anywhere, everywhere
Baby it's your world, ain't it?
Baby it's your world, ain't it?

Lil Wayne
She got a nigga at home and one on the side
Best friend is a dike, they fücked around a few times
Her and her momma alike, so all they do is fight
I tell her make me some money, she tell me make her a wife
I tell her "bítch, you crazy, fück wrong with you?
And excuse my French, but I'm a long kisser
And then she try to tell me I'm the only one that's hitting
And I say "what about them niggas?"
She say "what about them niggas?"
You right, what you doing tonight?
Put on something tight
Don't judge me, I get life
She love me like a brother
But fück me like a husband
Püssy like a oven too hot to put my tongue in
All I had to do is rub it
The genie out the bottle
Püssy so wet, I'm a need goggles
She tell me that's it's mine
I tell her stop lying, mine and who else?
She say worry about yourself, Lil Tune

They holler at me but its you
You, this ain't high school
Me and my crew, we can slide through
Give it to you whenever you want
Whip it whenever you want
Baby, it's yours anywhere, everywhere
Baby it's your world, ain't it?
Baby it's your world, ain't it?

Nicki Minaj
I know you want it boy
I see you trying
Just keep on pushing
I'ma let you slide in
Just close your eyes and
This horizon
It's ready, come get you some
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Nicki Minaj - High School

Слова песни прочитаны: 524

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