Текст песни:

(Let's wake up) it's dinner time
Yup Turn up
Pull up to the crib and a nigga on silk
Come fuck with a nigga
Bout to Bang on a pussy like I'm pouring up [?]
Fuck with a nigga
You gon' wanna claim this dick
Fuck with a nigga
Fuck with a nigga
Come fuck with a nigga

Ohh, she roller coastered on it (ohh)
She threw it up I alleyed (hoop)
Then I beat the pussy til its (blue)
Girl you know I got that good yeah

Mmmmm Like an Oreo
I love to lick the middle like an Oreo (yup turn up)
Oreo, Oreo, like an Oreo
I wanna bite it, and get inside it til I get you gone
Mmmmm like an oreo
I love to lick the middle like an oreo (yup turn up)
Oreo,oreo like an oreo
I wanna bite it and get inside it till i get you gone

You wont know how I get down
You wont know how I get down
You'll wonder how I'm the best and can do all this with my mouth
You wont know how I get down
You wont know how I get down
You'll wonder how I'm the best and can do all this with my mouth

Cookie, cookie, cookie, I'm a cookie monster
Break your back, crack it open like a lobster

Ayyy, I kill the pussy, dig a (grave)
She grab the wood like grippin (grain)
I told her put it in my face, let it rain let it rain (rain)

Mmmmm Like an Oreo
I love to lick the middle like an Oreo (yup turn up)
Oreo, Oreo, like an Oreo
I wanna bite it, and get inside it til I get you gone
Mmmmm like an oreo (good time)
I love to lick the middle like an oreo (yup turn up)
Oreo, oreo like an oreo
I wanna bite it then get inside it till i get you gone

You wont know how I get down
You wont know how I get down
You'll wonder how I'm the best and can do all this with my mouth
You wont know how I get down
You wont know how I get down
You'll wonder how I'm the best and can do all this with my mouth

Girl I got a sweet tooth (aight)
Ain't nothin' sweeter than you (aight)
I'mma eat it up, beat it up, til you holler out truce (aight)
My bed could be your stage (aight),
And I'mma make you a star (aight)
Your legs in the air and my hand all up up in your cookie jar
Yeah I'm hittin' the spot on your map, thats me going on tour
My Tom Ford your [?]
You throwin' ass, I'm catchin' it
The neighbors keepin' score
Louie Armstrong, I pick you up, eat that against the door

Like an Oreo
I love to lick the middle like an Oreo (turn up)
Oreo, Oreo, like an Oreo
I wanna bite it, and get inside it til I get you gone
Wanna know how I get down?
Wanna know how I get down?
You wonder how I'm the best and how I can do all this with my mouth?
Wanna know how I get down?
Wanna know how I get down?
You wonder how I'm the best and how I can do all this with my mouth?

Cookie monster


Слова песни прочитаны: 841

Другие песни исполнителя R KELLY

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