Rob Zombie - Dragula hot rod herman remix Sled Storm OST

Текст песни:

Dead I am the one, Exterminating son
Slipping through the trees, strangling the breeze
Dead I am the sky, watching angels cry
As they slowly turn, conquering the worm

Dig through the ditches,
Burn through the witches
I slam in the back of my

Dig through the ditches,
Burn through the witches
I slam in the back of my

Dead I am the pool, spreading from the fool
Weak anmd want you need, nowhere as you bleed
Dead I am the rat, feast upon the cat
Tender is the fur, dying as you purr

Dig through the ditches,
Burn through the witches
I slam in the back of my

Dig through the ditches,
Burn through the witches
I slam in the back of my

Do it baby, Do it baby
Do it baby, Do it baby
Burn like an animal

Dead I am the life, dig into the skin
Knuckle crack the bone, 21 to win
Dead I am the dog, hound of hell you cry
Devil on your back, I can never die

Dig through the ditches,
Burn through the witches
I slam in the back of my

Dig through the ditches,
Burn through the witches
I slam in the back of my

Do it baby, Do it baby
Do it baby, Do it baby
Burn like an animal

Dig through the ditches,
Burn through the witches
I slam in the back of my

Dig through the ditches,
Burn through the witches
I slam in the back of my

Dig through the ditches,
Burn through the witches
I slam in the back of my

Rob Zombie - Dragula (hot rod herman remix)  (Sled Storm OST)

Слова песни прочитаны: 510

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