Sabaton - Unbreakable (песня о партизанском движении и Сопротивлении во Второй

Текст песни:

Its under crimson skies hells horizon
Our trap will spring
Unaware of our presence theyll be marching
Straight to their doom

We are prepared for war ready to fire
Stand by to charge
Counting down as they march into destruction
Their time has come

Theyll never know we give no warning
We set a trap they took the bait
Leading them straight into hell

They will not live to tell the tale
Well strike at dusk and fight 'til dawn
Tonight our foe is bound to fail
Our time is now all ready at arms

Upon our chosen ground dead men marching
No sign of hope
Victory will be ours before the dawn breaks
Tonight we charge

Theyll never know we give no warning
We set a trap they took the bait
Leading them straight into hell

They will not live to tell the tale
Well strike at dusk and fight 'til dawn
Tonight our foe is bound to fail
Our time is now all ready at arms

Chaos and disorder sound of the attack
Charging down the mountain frontal assault
Guns light up the darkness mortars rip the ground
Like a force of nature shaking the field

They never knew we gave no warning
We set a trap they took the bait
Cut off retreat

The beast within berserker rage is
A storm a force unbreakable warmachine

Victims of the ambush stains the ground with blood
Fields of execution murderous plan
Soldiers turn to madmen in the dead of night
Fighting with a fury fiery eyes

They never knew we gave no warning
We set a trap they took the bait
Cut off retreat

The beast within berserker rage is
A storm a force unbreakable warmachine

The beast within berserker rage is

Sabaton - Unbreakable (песня о партизанском движении и Сопротивлении во Второй

Слова песни прочитаны: 422

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