Sodom - Napalm In The Morning

Текст песни:

decease is just an irony of fate
multiple rites i'm gonna lose my way
paraphilliac body control
to slay the phantom from my soul're gonna die

unholy evil prophets rise
fire is raining from the endless skies
can you hear the final thunder roaring
napalm in the morning

skin peeling off to drop your timid mask
you wish that death redeems you fast
creation of the fire seems the perfect nude
your carbonized torso just a part of you're gonna die

unholy evil prophets rise
fire is raining from the endless skies
can you hear the final thunder roaring
napalm in the morning

charlie close to me
smell of gasoline
physically abused
see the hollow face
that burned down and raped
your petition refused
screaming for your life
suffocation cries
religions been lost
dancing in the flames
that's your destiny
surrendered to the gods

unholy evil prophets rise
fire is raining from the endless skies
can you hear the final thunder roaring
napalm in the morning're gonna die

unholy evil prophets rise
fire is raining from the endless skies
can you hear the final thunder roaring
napalm in the morning

time bomb warrior
flancked all around
fighting back their lies
you are my soul insane
blood stops feeding veins
god damn monkey's bite
ashes dung the ground
infuriate mauled
recrudescence of wounds
there's no time to waste
smash'em without grace
hell is coming to you

Sodom - Napalm In The Morning

Слова песни прочитаны: 598

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