Sonic Syndicate - Turn It Up

Текст песни:

Turning it up like you always do.
Head to toe, covered in tattoos.
Sooner or later, you're gonna come loose.
What the fuck you gonna do?

Your body's swaying from side to side.
I wanna catch you when you fall,
But then you'll learn nothing at all.
Still I'm ready to run,
But you're so damn drunk
An atomic bomb couldn't wake you up.

What's that you hear, bass and lights from the club?
I don't think so.
I'm by your side and all I can hear
Is that your mom's starting to cry, screaming,
"Help me, help me, help me"

The way that she looks.

Turning it up like you always do.
Head to toe, covered in tattoos.
Sooner or later, you're gonna come loose.
What the fuck you gonna do?
Turning it up like you always do.
Head to toe, covered in tattoos.
Broken and she'll never be saved.
Suck it up, you fucked it up.

The way she walks,
The way she talks,
We all know
The girl is halfway dead.

You're selling your soul for whiskey and coke
And you're a suicide for tequila and lime.
And I gotta admit, when I first saw you
Hit the dancefloor with your grind,
You sent me outta my mind.

But after watching you crawl in the door
That it is getting old and sold and I told
I don't know
But you're screaming, "I don't care I don't care"

The way that she looks.

Turning it up like you always do.
Head to toe, covered in tattoos.
Sooner or later, you're gonna come loose.
What the fuck you gonna do?
Turning it up like you always do.
Head to toe, covered in tattoos.
Broken and she'll never be saved.
Suck it up, you fucked it up.

Turning it up like you always do.
Head to toe, covered in tattoos.
Sooner or later, you're gonna come loose.
What the fuck you gonna do?
Turning it up like you always do.
Head to toe, covered in tattoos.
Broken and she'll never be saved.
Suck it up, you fucked it up.

(The way she walks,
The way she talks,
We all know
The girl is halfway dead.
The way she did,
The way she said,
We all know
The girl is halfway dead.)

Halfway dead.
Halfway dead.

When I see you lately,
I'm wondering on
White roses, caskets,
Your name on a stone.

Turning it up like you always do.
Head to toe, covered in tattoos.

Turning it up like you always do.
Head to toe, covered in tattoos.
Sooner or later, you're gonna come loose.
What the fuck you gonna do?
Turning it up like you always do.
Head to toe, covered in tattoos.
Broken and she'll never be saved.
Suck it up, you fucked it up.

Turning it up like you always do.
Head to toe, covered in tattoos.
Sooner or later, you're gonna come loose.
What the fuck you gonna do?
Turning it up like you always do.
Head to toe, covered in tattoos.
Broken and she'll never be saved.
Suck it up, you fucked it up.

(The way she walks,
The way she talks,
We all know
The girl is halfway dead.
The way she did,
The way she said,
We all know
The girl is halfway dead.

Sonic Syndicate - Turn It Up

Слова песни прочитаны: 546

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