50 Cent - Window Shopper

Текст песни:

The top feels so much better than the bottom
So much better

Nigga you's a window shopper
Mad at me, I think I know why
Nigga you's a window shopper
In the jewelery store, looking at shit you can't buy
Nigga you's a window shopper
In the dealership, trying to get a test-drive
Nigga you's a window shopper
Mad as fuck when you see me ride by

Summertime white porche carrera is milky
Im on the grind let my paper stack when I'm filthy
Funny how a nigga get the screw facing at me
Anyhow, they aint got the heart to get at me
I'll get down, southsides the hood that I come from
So I dont cruise to nobodys hood without my gun
You know the kid aint gonna follow that bullshit
try and stick me imma let off a full clip
It aint my fault you done fucked up your re-up
At the dice game who told you put a G up
Everybody mad when their paper dont stack right
When I come around y'all niggas better act right
When we got the tops down, you can hear the system thump
When we rollin' rollin' rollin'
Shut your block down, quick to put a hole in a chump
nigga When we rollin' rollin' rollin'

Nigga you's a window shopper
Mad at me, I think I know why
Nigga you's a window shopper
In the jewelery store, looking at shit you can't buy
Nigga you's a window shopper
In the dealership, trying to get a test-drive
Nigga you's a window shopper
Mad as fuck when you see me ride by

niggas Love me in L.A. as soon as I pop in
They come scoop me up in LAX and I hop in
When it comes to bad bitches you know I got them
Some from Long Beach, some from Watts, some from Compton
You know a nigga wanna see how cali girls freak off
After that 5 hour flight from New York
I start spitting G at a bitch like a pimp man
Tell her meet me at the magarane so we can do our thing
She can bring the lingerie with her I suppose
And we can go from fully dressed to just having no clothes
She can run and tell her best friend bout my sex game
Her best friend could potentially be next man
Listen man, shit changed
I came up from doing my thang
Homey I'm holing, holing, holing
shit man, the store owner watching you
For something get stolen, stolen, stolen

Nigga you's a window shopper
Mad at me, I think I know why
Nigga you's a window shopper
In the jewelery store, looking at shit you can't buy
Nigga you's a window shopper
In the dealership, trying to get a test-drive
Nigga you's a window shopper
Mad as fuck when you see me ride by

50 Cent - Window Shopper

Слова песни прочитаны: 671

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