Bring Me The Horizon - Pray For Plagues

Текст песни:


She starts her new diet of liquor and dick,
Just like Hollywood, but laced in sick,
The sun goes down, and so does she,
The sun goes down, and so does she

Sold out the love that she had, left with a cut of the throat,
Drinks all 'round on her before she strolls to the moat,
The sun goes down, and so does she,
The sun goes down, and so does she,


Count your fucking blessings,
Come on,

Count your blessings, 'cause I'm counting every lie,
Count your blessings, 'cause I'm counting every lie,
Counting every lie,

Christ, I'm asking you for just one thing,
I'm asking you for just one thing,
Eradicate this disease,

Close your eyes, pray for plagues,
Oh Lord, cleanse this Earth and bring upon our dooms day,
Oh, close your eyes, pray for plagues,
Cleanse this Earth and bring dooms day,

She starts her new diet of liquor and dick,
Just like Hollywood, but laced in sick,
The sun goes down, and so does she,
The sun goes down, and so does she,

So clap your hands to the sound of every first born dying now,
Watch the rivers flow with blood, death will stand where life once stood,

So clap your hands to the sound of every first born dying now,
Watch the rivers turn to blood, death will stand where life once stood,
So clap your hands to the sound of every first born dying now,
Watch this rivers turn to blood, death will stand where life once stood,

Close your eyes, pray for plagues,
Cleanse this Earth, bring our dooms day

Bring Me The Horizon - Pray For Plagues

Слова песни прочитаны: 596

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