Drake Ft. Justin Bieber - Trust Issues Remix

Текст песни:

[hook - justin bieber]
all i care about is money and the city that i'm from
i'mma sing until i feel it,i'mma go until it's done
and i don't mean to say wassup and my excuse is that i'm young
and i'm only getting older, somebody shoulda told you
i'm on one, you know, i'm on one
i said i'm on one, you know, i'm on one
two white cups and i got that drink could be purple could
be pink depending on how you mix that ish money that
we got,never get that ish,cause im on one,you know im one one
you know what i like
oh yeah, oh yeah (x2)
[justin bieber]
you just need to listen, teach you how to fix it
cause you're cause i don't trust these women
i don't trust these women, they might catch me slipping
so, you're the only one cause i don't trust these women
they might catch me slipping and put in something different
so you're the only one cause i don't trust these bitches
i don't trust these bitches, they might catch me simping
so you're the only one
trust issues
drizzy drake, check me out
coming live from the mothafucking north side
kick game, run game, run it real good
but never ever have my bitches sitting courtside
same nigga that you knew way back when
you acting like it's somebody you don't know
tell me, how the fuck we supposed to stay friends
when you got a bunch of feelings that you don't show?
i could tell, i could tell, i could tell
certain people don't like me no more
new shit don't excite me no more
guess that they don't really make em like me no more
you can look me in my eyes and see i ain't myself
cause if y'all what i created then i hate myself
but still, let them girls in and tell them all
leave their cell phones on the table where we see them
i'm all day with it man, a.m to the p.m
niggas hating, i just wish that they would say it when they see him
[justin bieber]
that's that ish that drives me crazy
and that's all i've been getting lately
and it's probably why i'm scared to put the time in
women want to fuck like they're me and i'm them
looking for some things and i think that i can find them in you
trust issues

Drake Ft. Justin Bieber - Trust Issues (Remix)

Слова песни прочитаны: 615

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