Erik Paul [ft. Meg and Dia] - Monster

Текст песни:

(Meg and Dia)
Monsters, how should I feel?
creatures lie here,
Looking through the windows...

(Erik Paul)
Call me different.. I am the black sheep,
I am that rapping kid that you can't see,

doing big things.. Who is pulling my strings?
Is it you god? Have you been listening?
It's just that all my friends are monsters..
I do not know who isn't..
Friendship's become a business..
As I contemplate decisions..
arrow's sharpened up, my target's getting bigger for the you marxman..
Draw the string back, aim at apples on my hat's brim,
Risky situations for that up and commin rap kid,
vulnerable walkin, back stabbin from the masked kids..
Monsters.. All you, drastic how this happened..
One minute I know, next your faded I can't match them,
Ichallenge finding trust.. I get lost inside of captions
Lost inside of eyes and lured away from all the action..
I just miss the people that I loved when nothing mattered..
I remember conversations with you well before this rappin..
Now I'm runnin.. scared.. these monsters everywhere..
Tryna capture me and drag me back to scary lairs,
But I'm fast.. And after dealing with em in my prayers..
I will run towards the light and let em wallow in despair

(Meg and Dia)
Monsters, how should I feel?
creatures lie here,
Looking through the windows...

Erik Paul
Monsters, everywhere and I know them, I know them..
Monsters, everywhere and, they're my friends.. Who are my friends anymore..?

(Erik Paul)

I was soo oblivious,
liven this way,
riddle me this
I'ma be my own witness now,
And envision where the finish line is,
and eclipse the vicious disses from other ambitious kids,
I wanna be ubiquitous, not be a quitting hippocrite,
that throws around discouragement just cuz he's jealous of other
raps.. I'm not gonna hate on a track because its competition..
matter a fact, I'm gonna dap up any other artist,
Im not gonna diss you cuz your better, I don't start shit,
There's monsters there do that..
Ima focus solely on the positive and drown the bad,
Im a tad intense, yeah I get it from my dad..
But this pencil and this pad
in my bag are my weapons..
They're my opportunity for venting,
I can let you all in..
Let you in my mind..
Let you in my soul..
Let you know my struggles,
I can Let you know it all..
But monsters you can go..
I can see you, now I know..
I know what you're all about,
strain through my windows
I guess that's all she wrote,
sign sincerely on the note,
Fame is callin my name,
I think I really gotta go

Erik Paul
Monsters, everywhere and I know them, I know them..
Monsters, everywhere and, they're my friends.. Who are my friends anymore..?

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