Falling in Reverse - Its Over When Its Over

Текст песни:

I've got my life laid out in front of me like roads drawn on the map.
I've had so many times where I slipped off the beaten path.
I took the time to see the picture and for what it's worth.
I'd walk a thousand miles without my shoes to make it work.

I swore to God that I'm never coming back. Kept my faith when I was clapped.
Staring at the wall through a crack in the floor. And these metal doors, they've got me trapped.
I gotta remind myself that my mind is strong so that I won't lose my head.
I've got my demons that I fight with, every little thought in every breath.

I wear my heart up on my sleeve so my soul's exposed.
And I carry this disease, the weight of the holy ghost.
God, can you hear me? God is missing.

Take it back, take it back, my friend,
All the things that you said about the end.
This is it, this is me telling you it ain't over til it's over.
Give it up, give it up, my friend.
The score is settled even if you won't admit.
Set it down, final hour without a doubt, it's over when it's over.

You've got your life laid out in front of you, like a car crash.
I'm cautious at the wheel cause you were driving too fast.
But if you took the time to check up in your rearview mirror,
You'd see the things you're driving from or your biggest fears.

You gotta get back up from the wreckage above and walk right through the fire.
No matter what happens, the fact is that the flames keep getting higher.
You gotta keep it going, keep tiptoeing through the fire and the flames and the pain of knowing.
Through all this doubt, gotta keep on going, gotta give that spark, gotta keep on glowing.

I wear my heart up on my sleeve so my soul's exposed.
And I carry this disease, the weight of the holy ghost.
God, can you hear me? God is missing.

Take it back, take it back, my friend,
All the things that you said about the end.
This is it, this is me telling you it ain't over til it's over.
Give it up, give it up, my friend.
The score is settled even if you won't admit.
Set it down, final hour without a doubt, it's over when it's over.

So please, please, just let me make my peace.
I refuse to let your words be the death of me.
Please, please, just let me live my life.
Stop living in my shadow and just make it right.
It's over, make it right.

Take it back, take it back, my friend,
All the things that you said about the end.
This is it, this is me telling you it ain't over til it's over.
Give it up, give it up, my friend.
The score is settled even if you won't admit.
Set it down, final hour without a doubt, it's over when it's over.
It's over, it's over.
This is it, this is me telling you it ain't over til it's over.

Falling in Reverse - Its Over When Its Over

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