Nightcore - Thousand Foot Krutch - The Part That Hurts The Most Is Me

Текст песни:

Everyday I get a little closer
And everything I'm made off starts to melt away
I see the signs but I can't quite make the words out
All I want is to be near you but I push you away

I just wanna get away but I hurt you everyday
(The part that hurts the most)
The part that hurts the most (is me)
The most (is you)
It's everything I do without you

The part that hurts the most (is me)
The most (is you)
It's everything I do without you

Every chance I get I'm moving closer
I know I'm not supposed to but I can't break away
I see the signs but I can't quite make the words out
All I want is to be near you but I push you away

I just wanna get away but I hurt you everyday
(The part that hurts the most)
The part that hurts the most (is me)
The most (is you)
It's everything I do without you

The part that hurts the most (is me)
The most (is you)
It's everything I do without you

I hate talking about it
Try to lose it but in stead I found it
I want you to know I couldn't love any one more

Stay away from me (Get up)
Stay away from me (Get up)
I turn and walk away, I just won't let her
Stay away from me (Get up)
I turn and walk away, I just won't let her
Stay away from me (Get up)
I turn and walk away, I just won't let her

The part that hurts the most (is me)
The most (is you)
It's everything I do without you

The part that hurts the most (is me)
The most (is you)
It's everything I do without you

The part that hurts the most (is me)
The most (is you)
It's everything I do without you

The part that hurts the most (is me)
The most (is you)
It's everything I do without you

Nightcore - Thousand Foot Krutch - The Part That Hurts The Most (Is Me)

Слова песни прочитаны: 672

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