Sam McCarthy - Shadow Moses Acoustic Cover - Bring Me The Horizon - Searching The

Текст песни:

Can you tell from the look in our eyes?
We're going nowhere
We live our lives like we're ready to die
We're going nowhere

Can you tell from the look in our eyes?
We're going nowhere
We live our lives like we're ready to die
We're going no where

I thought I'd buried you
And covered the tracks
You'll have to take this with your cold dead hands
I thought I'd buried you
Where sin can never die.

I thought I cut you loose
Severed the feeling
I stepped through the crack as you clamp to my shirt
I thought I'd buried you
Where sin can never die.

Can you tell from the look in our eyes,
We're going nowhere.
We live our life like we're ready to die,
We're going nowhere.

You can run but you'll never escape,
Over and over again.
Will we ever see the end?
We're going no where.


Will we ever see the end?
This is sempiternal
Over and over
Again and again

Rise from the dead you say,
Secrets don't sleep till they're took to the grave,
Signal the sirens,
Rally the troops,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
It's the moment of truth.

Can you tell from the look in our eyes?
We're going nowhere.
We live our lives like we're ready to die,
We're going nowhere.

You can run but you'll never escape,
Over and over again.
Will we ever see the end?
We're going no where.


Will we ever see the end?
This is sempiternal
Over and over
Again and again

Sam McCarthy - Shadow Moses (Acoustic Cover) - Bring Me The Horizon - Searching The

Слова песни прочитаны: 355

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