Serenity feat Charlotte Wessels Delain - Serenade Of Flames

Текст песни:

I'm glad we're talking face to face
you know I've got a job to do
and I expect some help from you, too
Soon you'll call them in to torture me
why do you need this privacy?
You'll have your horrid joy anyway

One more night and then in flames you'll die
nothing you can do or say could change your fate
You are mine
One more night and then in flames you'll die
We invented Lucifer to spread the fear
across the nations

I can't negate the evidence
they say you've healed a little girl
with guidance from another world
Then a good deed, now my last mistake
You tell me my reward's the stake
is this the Christian duty you preach?


You've been caught in our system of power and fear
We will break your resistance, your confession is near

Malleus Maleficarum (4x)

Don't you think God is watching?
Your carnival of lies won't last eternally
Trust my words, if he's watching he has never showed
and he won't take your soul

One more night and then in flames I'll die
nothing you can do or say could change your fate
You are mine
One more night and then in flames you'll die
We invented Lucifer to spread the fear
across the nations
One more night and then in flames you'll die
We invented Lucifer to spread the fear
Across the nations

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