Shaun The Sheep - барашек Шон

Текст песни:

Youve gotta meet this fella
living down on the farm
because hes pretty cool and mellow
hes the king of the barn
When theres mayhem in the meadow
he keeps his crew on track
for all his legendary adventures
they should put up a plaque
For shaun the sheep
Hes Shaun the sheep
He even mucks about with those who cannot bleat
Keep it in mind
Hes one of a kind
Oh lifes a treat with Shaun the Sheep
Hes Shaun the sheep .. Hes Shaun the sheep
Hes Shaun the sheep .. Hes Shaun the sheep
He doesnt miss a trick or ever lose a beat
Perhaps one day
Youll find a way
Come and meet with Shaun the sheep
His a brave courageous leader
and hes not to get recruit
hes a friendly kinda geezer
whos remarkably astute
hes a father of invention
with a charismatic knack
for causing havoc in the pasture
Behind the farmers back
Hes Shaun the sheep
Hes Shaun the sheep
hes not afraid to make the intellectual leap
for brains and gile
with a wink and a smile
You cant compete with shaun the sheep
la la la la
la la la la
la la la la la la la la la la la la
la la la la
la la la la
la la la la la la la la
Hes always ready with a trick
to save the day
a good solutions not a million miles away
within his flock
hes pure gold
and if his mates get into trouble
hell return them to the .
Hes Shaun the sheep
Hes Shaun the sheep
He even mucks about with those who cannot bleat
Keep it in mind
Hes one of a kind
Oh lifes a treat with Shaun the Sheep
Hes Shaun the sheep .. Hes Shaun the sheep
Hes Shaun the sheep .. Hes Shaun the sheep
He doesnt miss a trick or ever lose a beat
Perhaps one day
Youll find a way
To come and meet with Shaun the sheep
Come and bleat with shaun the sheep

Shaun The Sheep - барашек Шон

Слова песни прочитаны: 1241

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