Undertale - Stronger than you - Frisk-Chara & Sans duet [Lyric video]

Текст песни:

I didn' t know what I got into
Somehow I can' t go back even if I really wanted to
So what more can I do?
Here at the end, it' s just me and you
I never wanted to play by the rules
A knife in hand, I' m playing out the part of the fool
So here we go you can judge me thoroughly
It' s too late for apologies

Here we are again
Just me and you comedian, right?
With your blasters
Your flashing eye
You should better be prepared because soon. . .
Your last hour strikes

Turn around kid it' d be a crime
If I had to go back on the promise that I made for you
So don' t step over that line
Or else, friend, you' re gonna have a bad time

But guys like you are always just fools
Come at me try to kill me with your fancy tools
Let' s go now the room gets chiller

Let' s go dirty brother killer

Go ahead and try to hit me if you' re able
Guess you' ve figured now that mercy' s off the table
I can tell you' re getting really sick of trying
But I think you' re just mad you keep dying

Whe not let me win?
You can' t dodge forever
Even if the pain is more fun together
You know I wiil just reset and come back newer
And with every try I' m getting even faster than you are

I know you' re made of LOVE
I am made of LOVE
Sans and Chara

This is whery it stops
This is where it ends
If you want to get past me
Well, you better try again
But even if I hear you
I won' t give up my attack
Can you just not see the thuth
Or can you not see what this all meant?

Go anead, kill me again I see you're able
But inside you know the end can' t be evaded
You think I might decide to stop if you stay patient
But I am getting you with my DETERMINATION

I know you made my friends all disappear
But everything they cared about is why I' m here
I am their MERCY
I am trier VENGEANCE

I' m entirely made of LOVE
I know you' re made of LOVE
I' m stronger than you
But I think I' m stronger than you
Sans and Chara
I' m stronger than you
But I think I' m stronger than you

Undertale - Stronger than you - Frisk-Chara & Sans duet [Lyric video]

Слова песни прочитаны: 681

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