Hollywood Undead - City Live

Текст песни:

Let's watch it burn .. Let's watch it burn . Lets watch this city burn the world.

Let's watch this city burn, from the sky lines on top of the world,
Till there's nothing left in her,
Let's watch this city burn the world.

My body doused in ash, with two empty cans of gas,
The only evidence they have is a police sketch of my mask.
And it's hard at times to ask if you can save my heart for last,
And it's hard to face the facts when the darkness fades to black.
It's not just make believe when they make me take a seat,
And they put amphetamines in the air and make me breathe.
So come on and grab your children, look out for burning buildings,
And villains who pillage, they're killin' by the millions.
And billions of people die for a lost cause,
So now I pray to my nation destroyed under God.

It's the end of the world .
All my battles have been won but the war has just begun.


The city looks so pretty do you wanna burn it with me?
Till the skies bleed ashes and the fuckin' skyline crashes.
They catch us with the matches and ignite the flame,
And all the hopes of a youth deemed fuckin' insane.
They say..Take the pill, in God we trust,
Go and kill, God loves us.
As in life, as in death,
Breathings until there is no breath.
I will not die in the night, but in the light of the sun,
With the ashes of this world in my lungs.
But who am I to say let's all just run away,
Grab your saints and pray and we'll burn this world today.

It's the end of the world .
As in Heaven, as in Earth, weve been dead since our birth.

Let's watch it burn . Let's watch it burn

The city looks so pretty do you wanna burn it with me?
The city looks so pretty do you wanna burn it with me?
The city looks so pretty do you wanna burn it with me?
The city looks so pretty do you wanna burn it with me?

We'll use the trees as torches
Do you wanna burn it with me?
We'll flood the streets with corpses
Do you wanna burn it with me?
We'll watch the city fuckin' bleed
Do you wanna burn it with me?
And bring the world to it's knees
Do you wanna burn it with me?


Let's watch this city burn, from the sky lines on top of the world,
Till there's nothing left in her,
Let's watch this city burn.

Let's watch it burn, Let's watch it burn
Let's watch it burn, Let's watch it burn
Let's watch this city burn the world .

Hollywood Undead - City (Live)

Слова песни прочитаны: 400

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