Hollywood Undead - One more bottle

Текст песни:

[Chorus Danny & Funny Man]
We got one more bottle of Jack what the fuck we gonna do with it?
(Let's get fucked up)
And if you got a little problem with that what the fuck you gonna do bout it?
(You get fucked up)
We got one more bottle of Jack what the fuck we gonna do with it?
(Let's get fucked up)
So if you got a little problem there's one easy way we can stop it
It starts with my dick in your mouth

[Funny Man]
I feel like a million bucks
But truth is, I'm about a bill away from broke as fuck
But I got a little weed, so I'mma roll it up
'Cause Funny's got a funny feeling it could change his luck
Yeah, coming up, throwing up, West Coast banging
Mary Jane, light it up, no complaining
Six shooters spraying, that's what I'm saying
No more shots, taking bottles to the brain, man

So watch the city light the sky
Cause there's something about tonight
Yeah, there's something about tonight
(It's got me feeling all right)
So watch this city light the sky
And even if you close your eyes
You'll never feel so alive

[Funny Man]

[Chorus Danny & Funny Man]
We got one more bottle of Jack what the fuck we gonna do with it?
(Let's get fucked up)
And if you got a little problem with that what the fuck you gonna do bout it?
(You get fucked up)
We got one more bottle of Jack what the fuck we gonna do with it?
(Let's get fucked up)
So if you got a little problem there's one easy way we can stop it
It starts with my dick in your mouth

[Johnny 3 Tears]
One cracker, two cracker, three cracker, four
Not enough crackers, bitch, I need two more
Still not enough for me to feed these hoes
Too drunk to open the DeLorean door
So let's take a little nap on the bathroom floor
Last 'shroom cap, man, I'll need some more
Lap dance, looking at me like she's bored
Too many drinks that I can't afford, watch me run outside that door
So let's mix the maker, meet the marker
I'm in the mood for a little bit darker
Got some paper and a lighter
Time to set it all on fucking fire

So watch the city light the sky
Cause there's something about tonight
Yeah, there's something about tonight
(It's got me feeling all right)
So watch this city light the sky
And even if you close your eyes
You'll never feel so alive

[Funny Man]

[Chorus Danny & Funny Man]
We got one more bottle of Jack what the fuck we gonna do with it?
(Let's get fucked up)
And if you got a little problem with that what the fuck you gonna do bout it?
(You get fucked up)
We got one more bottle of Jack what the fuck we gonna do with it?
(Let's get fucked up)
So if you got a little problem there's one easy way we can stop it

So watch the city light the sky
Cause there's something about tonight
Yeah, there's something about tonight
So watch this city light the sky
And even if you close your eyes
You'll never feel so alive

[Funny Man]

[Chorus Danny & Funny Man]
We got one more bottle of Jack what the fuck we gonna do with it?
(Let's get fucked up)
And if you got a little problem with that what the fuck you gonna do bout it?
(You get fucked up)
We got one more bottle of Jack what the fuck we gonna do with it?
(Let's get fucked up)
So if you got a little problem there's one easy way we can stop it
It starts with my dick in your mouth

[Funny Man]
Let's get fucked up
You get fucked up
Let's get fucked up
It starts with my dick in your mouth

Hollywood Undead - One more bottle

Слова песни прочитаны: 518

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