Hollywood Undead - Dead Bite

Текст песни:

[Danny (Intro)]
Goodnight, sleep tight
Don't let the dead bite

[Johnny 3 Tears (Verse 1)]
Johnny 3, and he's dipping in the four door
44 and it's pointing at your window
Ain't a good shot, here come four more
Getting hot, so I play in the snow
In a town made wicked, made from these wicked things
See the dead on the cover of a magazine
See my smile, it was born from amphetamines
Better duck, 'cause it's war on my enemies

Oh, God, think I lost it oh no
Lost some and wanna watch the rest go
A mad man when I'm mixed with Soco
Who would've thought a man could sink to so low
Now, who wants to die from the Mossberg shotty?
Putting holes in the hotel lobby
All you fake bitches are just another hobby
And I'll let you dig, where I dump your body

[Danny (Chorus)]
What would you do if I told you I hate you?
What would you do if your life's on the line?
What would you say if I told you I hate you?
I've got something that'll blow your mind, mind

[Charlie Scene (Verse 2)]
You know I got a grenade, and it's got your name on it
I'ma spit on your grave and engrave a dick on it
People say I'm insane and to put the brakes on it
Let me buy you a drink, how 'bout a roofy, gin and tonic?

Yeah, Charlie Scene seems to be so hated
It's just me being intoxicated
'Cause being sober's so overrated
Hollywood Undead, what have you created?

I know that we have never really met before
But, tell me, does this rag smell like chloroform?
You know that I'm the reason people lock their doors
But, I got nothing but time, so, I'ma wait on the porch
You got nowhere to run too, so, don't try hiding
'Cause I'm known to be like Jack Nicholson from The Shining

Yeah, I'm breaking your door down, so, don't try fighting
Yeah, you gotta keep 'em fed, or the dead keep biting

[Danny (Chorus)]
What would you do if I told you I hate you?
What would you do if your life's on the line?
What would you say if I told you I hate you?
I've got something that'll blow your mind, mind

Goodnight, sleep tight
Don't let the dead bite
Wrap a rope around your head and watch you as you take flight

[J-Dog (Verse 3)]
You better check twice, look under your bed
Turn on your nightlight, cover up your head
'Cause we do exist, and there's no need to pretend
That you're not afraid of meeting the Undead
Red, red rum, when you look into these eyes
Say goodnight, 'cause it's almost your bedtime
Buckle up, 'cause it's time to fly
You got a first-class ticket to Colombian Neckties
Take a seat, you could sit in the front row
The voice in your head is just me in your headphones
Everybody knows that we're the devil's heroes
Come and get a ticket, follow me to the creep show

[Danny (Chorus)]
What would you do if I told you I hate you?
What would you do if your life's on the line?
What would you say if I told you I hate you?
I've got something that'll blow your mind, mind

Goodnight, sleep tight
Don't let the dead bite
Wrap a rope around your head and watch you as you take flight
Goodnight, sleep tight
Don't let the dead bite
Wrap a rope around your head and watch you as you take flight

Hollywood Undead - Dead Bite

Слова песни прочитаны: 750

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