Hollywood Undead - Dove And Grenade

Текст песни:

From the front to the back we attack,
Thats when the sky turns black.
Divided by all our own means,
Divided by lines you can't see.
We've raised our fists, you know we exist,
You're scared of us because we influence your kids.
and you paved the way that we walk,
and you dug your grave we won't stop.

You know we got the plan hold up, pointing at your head,
Laying on your back but you're better of dead.
Got the army with me, with the dove and grenade,
Got the pin pulled out it's a fucking air raid.
We ride like tanks and we bite like snakes,
Search and destroy we do what ever it takes.
I'm Undead
When the shells hit the floor,
Yeah undead,
Let's start a war

I'm the man and I'm the man
and everybody out there knows that I'm the baddest,
I'm the baddest of em all and you just mad
Cause I'm the man and I'm the man
and everybody out there knows that I'm the baddest,
I'm the baddest of em all and you just mad
and it's so sad

The next time you breathe you better think of me,
and your prayers thank god for mercy of me.
An eye for an eye but I don't need to see,
Who needs eyes mother fucker I feel you bleed.
I got a plaque in the attic and the bitch is gold,
Not another word till i'm platinum no, our critics talk shit
Watch a bitch get rolled,
I only say bitch when I see a fucker so,

It's to late,
there's no wait it's doomsday.
This crusades been erased by two-face,
So touche.
You've gone past your due date, do you crave,
Scene giving you a grenade toupee to pay.
Down on your knees crying for help,
and you're just gonna be another notch in the belt.
I'm Undead
and you can only blame yourself
Yeah Undead
and I'ma make it rain in hell.

I'm the man and I'm the man
and everybody out there knows that I'm the baddest,
I'm the baddest of em all and you just mad
Cause I'm the man and I'm the man
and everybody out there knows that I'm the baddest,
I'm the baddest of em all and you just mad
and it's so sad

All Hail, All Hail
All Hail, All Hail

All Hail, Undead

All Hail, All Hail
All Hail, All Hail

All Hail, Undead

Hollywood Undead - Dove And Grenade

Слова песни прочитаны: 722

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